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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. I'm rooting for Peterman too my man! Let's hope he kills it and stop talking about the backup QB.
  2. I agree and disagree. I think Whaley liked Rex initially, just like Pegs did. When it was abundantly clear Rex was horrible, Whaley tried to distance himself from it, unsuccessfully.
  3. Everyone loves the backup QB. Let's stop talking about him.
  4. He was overall not good in 2016, betting on yourself after that year would be really really stupid. "Just about" being the operative phrase
  5. My stuff was pretty well-documented, NoSaint. I suppose it's possible. But I think it's very unlikely Whaley had his arm twisted to get on board with Rex.
  6. There is zero evidence supporting this. Whaley put Rex on the list of candidates. Whaley interviewed Rex separately from the Pegulas and vetted him from a football standpoint. Whaley was the Pegulas' right arm after Marrone walked. He was their golden boy advisor. And to hear the story now, we'd have to believe the guy the Pegulas gave a massive extension, effusively praised, and by all reports loved, would've been fired for having reservations about a HC candidate. That is absolutely absurd. It truly is.
  7. You can't be "set up to fail" if you sign your own death warrant. Whaley. Signed. Off. On. Rex. He thought he would do great as our HC. Period. For that reason alone, he failed and sucked and deserved to be fired.
  8. You're misremembering. ZB wouldn't sign with the Bills, not because the money wasn't right, but because the role wasn't right.
  9. So Beane and McD did nothing in Carolina. Opinion noted. Lol
  10. The defensive coordinator certainly has input. He also coaches. Also, where did Brandon Beane work?
  11. Who scouted, drafted/signed and coached those All-Pros? You're making my argument for me. 2015 was actually 2 years ago.
  12. #6 defense, 15-1, NFC Champs. Not a lot of maybes surrounding that.
  13. The defense sucked and the offense sucked. Accept it Scott.
  14. Taylor helped the run game. The scheme was much more important than Taylor's contribution as a threat to run. Citation: The 2017 Buffalo Bills Football Season with Tyrod Taylor still at QB and Roman/Lynn no longer at OC.
  15. His numbers are almost exactly the same as 2016. Sammy played less than half the year at 100%. All year we heard about how he was throwing to garbage men, now it was his "best guys?" Or did you mean Greg Salas and co were his best guys? His deep ball sucked in 2016 too. Your timeline is off. Those are all true.
  16. Why does Tyrod get credit for the offenses in 2015 and 2016 but no blame when it comes to the crappy offense in 2017?
  17. Yes, they did this. Tyrod has had options and designed runs this year, as well as roll outs. Tyrod being the secret sauce to our run game has been proven false. The lion's share was Roman's scheme and our quality RB's. That scheme also was designed to hide crappy QB's, which it did so admirably.
  18. Yes, TT has the running game churning yet again this year....... Roman and Shady and Karlos and Gillislee were way more important than happy feet.
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