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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. I think it was pretty accurate. Do you honestly think posters on a Buffalo Bills fan message board don't want the Bills to win and do well? Serious question.
  2. Probably not. I don't see why any team in the NFL would give up an asset for Taylor. The upside isn't there.
  3. I think some people are happy with the benching because Tyrod sucks and they knew he sucks and they want somebody who doesn't suck so we can win more football games.
  4. The Cowboys and Jags? Even if they lose to other good teams, if they make the playoffs, who cares?
  5. Good no matter what. Had to find out what we have in Peter because TT ain't it.
  6. Well we aren't 7-2, we're 5-4. That's more important. I personally would love beating a bunch of bad teams and making the playoffs. We don't play enough bad teams. We beat up bad teams and lose to good teams. That's the story of an average team.
  7. That's true but W-L matters more than strength of schedule.
  8. Runs an actual NFL offense. I'll take my prize.
  9. Depends on how the FO feels about the prospects coming out. I take Luck if they don't think any of the rookies are 50% prospects.
  10. What crusade? We got a game to win on Sunday, and the backup QB's job is to help the starter prepare. I want a W.
  11. Backup QB should be watching film to help his starter.
  12. Yep. I don't have the numbers, but I'm almost positive there are many many more NFLers suffering from chronic neck and back pain issues and probably have been for the last 50 years. Yet CTE in the last 5-10 years has gotten all the press. The public opinion isn't a scientific body, if you needed more proof.
  13. And both tauopathy's. When it comes to managing them, there's not much we can do for either.
  14. I agree. Well kinda; it's not as black and white as you make it seem.
  15. A pathologic finding that's almost assuredly in thousands of asymptomatic patients who will live on to be asymptomatic. So, it's kind of a big nothing burger. We know tons about AD and its protein buildup and pathologic process and its still clinically diagnosed because the symptoms are what matters.
  16. Hard to lead GWD's and comebacks when you go 8-1 and are blowing teams out. Is a comeback win better than beating a team by 20 because you're throwing all over them?
  17. I would love to have the QB who is the best at scoring TD's when down a TD. Makes perfect sense.
  18. And we all know how much he sucked! Arm strength is more about how fast you can gun a ball into a tight window. Not so much distance. Almost every QB can hit a 40 yard lob in the NFL.
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