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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. You are including Dak's yards, silly. Do you remember Karlos? You easily misunderstood the claim. You have to eliminate ALL QB yards, not just Tyrod's.
  2. We had the #1 rushing attack over two years even with QB rushing yards eliminated. TT ain't it. The RB's are.
  3. Why don't you talk about the #1 rushing attack that Kyle Orton never had?
  4. I'm talking about their Bills careers. Not random numbers. we beat the Packers that year. Yeah, we could've won.
  5. No way. Also, talk about cherry picking. All that matters is the W-L and Orton was better than TT in that regard.
  6. Orton's comebacks and game-winning drives helped. We would've went 10-6 if we never started EJ.
  7. Kyle Orton had a better W-L percentage bud. Orton > Taylor all day every day off camera every way.
  8. Who have the Bills played in their divisional games that hasn't been comparable with the AFC South?
  9. What was your contribution? That Peterman sucks? Coolio It's fascinating, but useless posting + more useless posting does not equal zero.
  10. You're the one who brought it up, silly. What was the point of this post?
  11. All other fans are right, but Bills fans are stupid drunks, amirite?
  12. Disagree. Lower third. And yes, Alex Smith is a better QB, but had a way worse day. We will try to draft a franchise QB. Hopefully the next Brady, but I'll take top 12.
  13. Peterman sucked too. Do you people understand what you're even arguing anymore?
  14. You're off by 7 TD's there, chief. The OL was decent in pass pro today. And it's almost the exact same OL as it was in 2015.
  15. Franchise QB's make teams pay with blown coverage/wide open receivers. Point blank.
  16. Another QB ruined by the curse of HD.
  17. You shouldn't drink when you're angry. Didn't you learn anything as a former D1 athlete?
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