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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. I called the stat imperfect. I said And yet I got: I could not care less that he has a higher winning percentage than 300 yard passers this year. Not a single drop. We know Taylor's quality of a passer, the 300 yard stat's imperfections notwithstanding. Propping it up as a sad strawman to beat down is futile. You told me it doesn't matter that our QB isn't as big of a threat to pass as two-thirds of the league's QB's. That's wrong. QB is the most important position in the NFL and passing is kinda important to QB play. Now respond to this with a 300 yard stat so I can get off this crazy ride.
  2. What a hero. Him and EJ Manuel. When do we Nuremberg McD and Dennison for their war crimes?
  3. You keep asking why we talk about 300 yard passing games and I'm telling you why. Do you think opposing NFL GM's are worried about TT's arm as much as, let's say, the top 2/3rds of the NFL QB's?
  4. No, YOU did. You want to build a statue because he demonstrated some character and maturity and perspective as an almost 30 year old multimillionaire. It's embarrassing. I don't think Tyrod cares as much about his "humiliation" as you do. Bake him some therapeutic pumpkin bread.
  5. It's not making TT play any worse, either. Dennison screwed up the run game. Not our fearless leader. He just doesn't have Shady ripping off huge chunks anymore to hide him.
  6. Humiliated? Who !@#$ing cares? He went back in minutes later and started the next week. Let's start a GoFundMe for you and Tyrod. Clearly, both of you are experiencing a ton of mental duress from an incident that nobody cares about from 2 weeks ago in a sports entertainment league. Do you cycle at the same time too?
  7. Tyrod has a consolation prize of $14.5M for his terrible experience of not playing a game for children for 30 minutes. The deification of these guys when they act like grown ups is getting absurd.
  8. 300 yard passers usually are trying to carry their team in a deficit. Easy peasy. We all know the 300 yard barometer is an imperfect measure of a QB's ability to "beat you with his arm." There are QB's in the NFL who can beat you with his arm in some or most of their games, and there are QB's in the NFL who you take your chances that they won't beat you with their arm. And we know what group our QB resides comfortably in. The quibbling over the stat is silly.
  9. Oh come on dude. How much money is Tyrod making this year? Ridiculous.
  10. That's when TT's stats were basically the same as this year, right?
  11. You keep saying that, but what about Sammy and the glorious deep threat?
  12. Squat on the short stuff and make Brady beat you deep. Bring only 4-5 on obvious passing downs. Single LB blitz in a double A gap look, with Milano dropping in the middle and shading towards the slant. LorAx at DE for Shaq every second and third down. Your only hope is him and Cooks/Gronk don't hit on the long stuff. They will try once per Q, and sometimes they're just off. Better hoping they're off and taking away the dink and dunk than giving them the 5-10 yard stuff and letting them pick you apart.
  13. Yes. Felt like posting every rap battle gif on the internet after that one.
  14. That was a great play out of Taylor. Probably the best of the day. Had the check down and was patient.
  15. Eddie made more of a pass rushing impact yesterday than Shaq has in weeks. Free Eddie!
  16. When adjusted with ALL QB rushing yards eliminated, the Bills rushed for more yards over 2015 and 2016 than any other team in that two year span. You're wrong, again and again and again and again. Thanks for playing.
  17. Goodness, how can one person get a post so wrong? go back and read what I said. Thanks.
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