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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Remember the last time we reached for a QB? We got EJ. Let's not be hasty.
  2. Yeah, I see the similarities. I just think BOB has less manufacturing about his heat as an HC. In a results driven business, you don't get better than his results without a star QB.
  3. I didn't say "each year." I said "any given year." There's a distinct difference. And yes. Chiefs lost to the Steelers last year by two points in the playoffs. The year before, 7 point lost to NE. 2013, 1 point loss to Indy. Do you think an average margin of loss ~3 points constitutes a few lucky bounces? I do. The Lions had a poor showing last year in the postseason, but had a 4 point loss in 2014 to the Cowboys. Luck certainly could swing that. Beat you with his arm is a combination of how you play week to week, consistency, ability, numbers, how you play at your best, etc. It also takes into account how I believe teams gameplan for you.
  4. "open a championship window for their team" - what does that mean? Does it mean you go to the playoffs and get blown out in the WC or div round every year? It means that with some luck and bounces, you can take a team to the Super Bowl any given year. "can beat you with their arm" - in his 1st 3 years as a starter, Wilson was like 27, 26, 27 in the league for passing. Now 20, 10, 15 - mediocre by what I read here. Passing yard totals are not great when used in isolation. Wilson was 27th in passing yards in his rookie year, but 8th in passing TD's, all on 32nd in attempts. That's purty good. His next year he was 26th in yards, 10th in TD's, on 31st in attempts. Again, purty good. In fact, in his first 4 seasons, he was top 10 in TD passes 3 times. "Mediocre by what you read here?" No. You can subscribe others' arguments to me if it makes you feel better, but I can't defend opinions I've never held. Taylor's low yardage has been a part of the story, but not the end all be all.
  5. What? BOB has made the playoffs with the Brocketship at QB. If Marrone is a Saint, BOB is God.
  6. Making the playoffs 4 of 5 years, in which only 6 QB's have been able to do, 3 of them HoFers would certainly support Smith's candidacy. He's a lower end franchise QB, but a franchise QB all the same. IMO, a franchise QB is a QB, who, at their peak, open a championship window for their team. They are guys who can beat you with their arm. They can go head to head against the greats and win. That's a franchise QB. So Luck, Brees, Stafford, Newton and Wilson all qualify. Dalton is borderline, as is Tannehill.
  7. Lamar has bust written all over him. Please no. Please.
  8. It all comes down to expectations. Kyle and Freddy weren't expected to be much and ended up being good players. They never got paid like superstars. That kind of "against all odds" story buys you near limitless goodwill in sports. Dareus was expected to be top 3 at his position for a decade, and he didn't live up to that. Whether those expectations were justified, nothing riles a fanbase and media presence up more than an nonperforming previously heralded player. They love to lift you up to tear you down. Kyle and Dareus have almost the exact opposite circumstances surrounding them, which is why one gets crucified, and the other gets a pass. It is what it is.
  9. Fred Jackson was also in that category. Race has nothing to do with it. But you're Gugny, so I know your game.
  10. I'm sure if you looked around the league, there are a handful of guys in similar boats. Joe Thomas, for one. Honest question, when was the last year you didn't see the Bills hand-dogging it one or two games? I can't even remember. Maybe 2014? The culture of this team has sucked.
  11. Yet you said if we were leading the league in passing, it's not true that we'd be in the playoffs. Sounds like it wasn't that obvious to you. Hopefully, you've learned.
  12. 5 of the top 6 passing leaders this year may make the playoffs. 4 of them have already clinched. All 6 have a winning record. Got u.
  13. Eddie Yarbrough, in his first year here, has done nothing but sing the praises of Kyle and all but beg him not to retire. As for deaf ears, I don't think it has anything to do with his untouchable status. Moreso, it almost certainly has to do with how long you've been here and how many times you've heard the inspiring speech only to go out there and choke. How many times has Jerry Hughes heard KW try to inspire the team on the way to a .500 or worse season? Eventually, you're going to tune that out. You saw the same thing with Fred Jackson. The young guys who haven't been tainted by the Bills all find it quite inspirational. The old guys who think the Pats are their daddies and that they aren't going anywhere nod their heads while yawning. Kyle has never been a part of winning anything in the NFL. That hurts too.
  14. Shady has rushed for >178 yards 3 times in his career and not once since 2013. "Good shot?" Nah...
  15. Like, what time Shady's Supafly radio hour starts?
  16. I assumed you would know I was responding to what you said to my quoted post. We can look at the QB's who have ALSO been to the playoffs the last 4 of 5 years or greater. Alex Smith Tom Brady Aaron Rodgers Ben Roethlisberger Cam Newton Russell Wilson Looks like a list of franchise QB's to me. Quite a storied group.
  17. Gaines isn't staying here with an incentive based deal. "Potentially two starters" like who? You realize we already had to trade for KB because we had no #1? And we have to pay him his option and re-sign him to a long term deal in which he is going to command equal or more than Sammy money? And he has an extensive injury history as well? Here's how this is going to play out. We traded Sammy for a #2 pick, because Gaines will walk. We used a #3 pick and #7 pick to trade for KB. So it's like trading up for a #2 with your #3 and #7. We'll have $5M in savings next year as compared to keeping Sammy, but we will end up paying KB $12M or $13M (perhaps more) AAV when he hits FA. So long-term, we traded Sammy, a 3rd and a 7th for KB and a 2nd, with a 1 year rental of Gaines and 1 year savings of $5M. Not a lopsided trade, but it doesn't exactly knock my socks off either. Some box score watchers did. The Sammy move was my one real bone to pick with this new FO. I get why they did it, I just wouldn't have.
  18. Separate the cost from the player. The picks were from 3 years ago. Scrambling to get value because you spent a 2014 1st is silly. We could have had Watkins for 2 seasons, AAV less than $9M over that time, with a decent chance of re-signing him. That's not that bad. Look at you hoping Gaines turns around his injury history, willing to shell out big bucks to him in spite of it. I have a question. Why is that different from Sammy? If Gaines walks for "nothing," or if KB walks for "nothing," what did we really gain?
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