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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Oh come on! Jilted lover syndrome x 1 billion. Doug should acknowledge how much of a better lover we were over his new girlfriend!
  2. It begs the question why you find it interesting if you have no context in which to base it off of. Example, we pass 20% of the time when we have a lead. The league average is 18% (let's say). Is that stat truly interesting? What if league average is 20%? What's interesting about it? What about 23%? See, I just demonstrated 3 different ways that stat can be interpreted. One of them is basically useless to make any point (unless that point is that the Bills were average). Just knowing the statistical average has very little worth when using it to make any point. And if you're going to use the "data you found to be interesting and sharing," you open yourself open to critiques on if you're using that data in a valid way that supports your point. Transplant isn't. And this isn't his first rodeo. TL;DR Don't use worthless stats to further a strange crusade if you don't want your worthless stats to be called worthless.
  3. Opposing team head coach refused to say that his opponent's fans are better than his team's, and that makes you upset? what?
  4. Hell is transplant making the argument: "Everybody is down on our yardage this year. But look at the numbers. Taylor was putting up 200 yards or so a game, on average. 200 sounds like a lot right? Especially, when Shady was only averaging 80 or so per game on average. Doesn't doubling up one of the best running backs in the game sound like good production? Are you shocked?"
  5. Lazily? You posted about how little we pass with a lead with zero context with the rest of the league. That number is useles without that context.
  6. Can you please demonstrate the run/pass ratio of the rest of the league with a lead? The numbers are almost useless without context.
  7. Shady dragged what might have deserved to be a bottom 5 O into the bottom 10. So Shady.
  8. Ben, Brees, and Rodgers haven't been good for almost their entire careers?
  9. If TT beat both the Jags AND the Pats (huge IF), I firmly believe he will be retained in 2018. I would still draft a QB but you simply cannot cast out an AFCCG appearing QB with no proven improvement on the roster. The only QB that I can remember that happening to was Alex Smith, and that was because the next season, Kaep had brought them to the Superbowl.
  10. Certainly lots of factors, but we dropped from top 10 in big passing plays to bottom 5. To say Rico killed our deep ball passing attack is just not true.
  11. The vertical game went down from Roman to Lynn? I've actually never heard anyone attribute that to the OC change before.
  12. he clearly didn't care enough before, what would be different now?
  13. LOL. Dareus will be his same gutless self. He simply doesn't care enough.
  14. Exactly! So you're saying "maybe they reevaluate if he plays well against the Jags." AKA "maybe they reevaluate because of one more game." And to that I say, 3 years of tape > 1 game. Also, we went .500 in the AFCE.
  15. If you want to be the news, report the news. Not your own personal spin on tweets, skippy.
  16. Would we be reevaluating TT at this end of this season with 9 wins and no playoffs (because Dalton doesn't make that throw)? Yes or no?
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