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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Marrone deserves a ton of credit. I cannot remember the last time I saw a road team (as a major underdog) dominate the line of scrimmage like Jags have today. Has his O-Line playing at a high level. Has his entire team ready to play and then some.
  2. And that's my point with moral arbitration. Is it okay for Kevin Garnett to tell his opponent how many times he's slept with his wife? You say, no, that's not okay. But what if that gets in the opponents head and helps them win? Isn't that what Garnett is paid to do? Isn't that a part of the game, the mental aspect? I think we all agree, morally speaking, that saying something racist is about the same as saying some other thing about wives/kids. But at the end of the day, it's just words.
  3. Doug Marrone is the most recent HC left in the playoffs to beat the Pats. He did it in Foxborough. Let's gooooooo.
  4. I'm sorry, you took my comments literally. Every day there's a headline that might be true or false. You see people parent their kids "wrong," every day. I don't think SO HIGHLY of my self that I feel the need to comment on how "wrong" other people are, based on the things I think and believe, especially without having all the information. As to investing in the "so what" argument, I just hate all this BS. One guy said something, another guy said another. A highly paid football player cries on his Twitter that he got his feelings hurt. Jerry Sullivan and co, who are hack sports journalists by day and apparently the Batman of social change by night, feel the need to say idiotic crap like "the silence is deafening" in the middle of an investigation of wrongdoing. What an absolute !@#$ing joke. Every kid in the world knows "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me," but when that word might be racist (but was quickly disputed), apparently, the whole world needs to stop spinning. NBA players used to tell their opponents they banged their wives, and all kinds of ****. No one used to care. You're competing, you're not friends. If you don't think that illustrates the absurdity of the world we live in, I get it. But that's why I'm so eager to invest in this stupid topic.
  5. If I'm a Pittsburgh OLineman, white or black, I am spending all game chirping this guy. Talk about getting in somebody's head, sheesh.
  6. I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt a little. Keep in mind the context is college QB's. Athletic, raw QB's are a mainstay.
  7. Really really really good kid. Absolutely terrible QB. He's the worst. He's all over the place mechanically, he looks like a deer in the headlights, he plays scared, leaves plays on the field with late/bad throws. He really really really sucks. I concur with the guy who would take any other active QB over him. Joe Webb package all game over EEEEEEeeeeeeeJJJJJjjjj under center.
  8. I think he means in terms of mentally playing the position. Lots of athletic guys have struggled with the other half of playing QB.
  9. But seriously, who cares? People do wrong things, big and small every day. Who has the time to sit in morality court all day and be the final judge what is right and what is wrong?
  10. He's from the Blokes coaching tree. I'm okay with it.
  11. Cutting Clay would be a ridiculous mistake. Zero savings.
  12. I blame Castillo and our OL. No running plays work on 1st down when Shady has a guy on his back before he gets back to the LOS. Interestingly enough, the Bills were 14th in the NFL of rushes of 5+ yards on first or second down.
  13. BB is just so important. I think pound for pound, Brady is better than Brees. The question is if having the GOAT at coaching gives Brees the edge over Brady to win more. I say yes. I actually think Peyton and BB win more than Brady with Dungy too.
  14. Kyle Williams had more rushing TD's this year than the previous 12 combined.
  15. What math is that dopey? Of course he was. This alone should make him immune from the criticisms of armchair OC's on TBD who still thought TT was good.
  16. How do you define top receiver? Cooks was the most targeted Patriot in the passing game this year. He also had more catches, more TD's and more yards in the last two years in NO compared to this year in NE. How do you define "stars?" How do you claim that Brees hasn't had his own fair share of WR's he's propped up?
  17. He's the OC. Of course he has something to do with that. I firmly believe he has weaknesses as a coordinator.
  18. Another really sad post. The drop in quality is apparent when you talk about things you can't be rational about. Don't let your Dennison hate override everything else.
  19. In reality, we only have 1 WR who played with both QB's in the near peaks of their careers. That WR was clearly better with Brees than with Brady. Isn't that stronger evidence than any hypotheticals you care to muster?
  20. Would that point to Brees being able to get more out of his WR's than Brady?
  21. They dropped off. We lost players. The OL played worse. We got a really bad OL coach. We were second in attempts in both 2015 and 2016. Overall potential? WTF. Again, ya'll act like a running game was going to be historic 3 years in a row, with RB turnover, aging, poorer OL play and changes in coaching and scheme. Talk about unrealistic expectations. Comparing the unit to every other run unit that year is basically the ONLY way to assess production. The 2015 offense and 2016 offense and 2017 offense WERE DIFFERENT. Pretty much the same group, except for all the players who were different, older, and had new position coaches. Funny gif, but please tell me more about how 6th in the NFL is bad.
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