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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Peak TT with a host of weapons and no tape out on him in 2015 did not have as good as a year passing as Keenum in 2017. Minny's offense in 2017 was also better than the Bills 2015 offense. And the Bills had Shady at RB, not 4 games of Dalvin Cook and then JAGs. Tyrod's ceiling is very limited.
  2. WEO stood up, called for all challengers to make their play, and beat everybody who came into this topic down.
  3. 3/4 teams remaining had franchise QB level play this year. And the other had to pick in the top 5 for several years straight to build a team talented enough to offset a less than franchise year out of their QB. 1 guess as to who made this topic without looking.
  4. The Bills had the game film and players. And an OC who spent the last 15 years of his life running a completely different system. What coach would gamble on trying to run a different, random system than the one he was literally hired to run? Coaches who completely change what they do are as rare as franchise QB's in the NFL. The vast majority are guy with years and years of running the same one.
  5. How do you suggest you stick with Roman/Lynn's playbook when both coaches were gone? As much credit goes to Lynn for the 2016 offense, even he said that he would instill his own new system in the offseason, because he didn't have time to change out of Roman's. If you want to blame somebody for not using the Roman system, blame the people who fired Roman. Rex and the Pegulas.
  6. Is that a feasable expectation to change base offenses in 8 weeks while doing week to week gameplanning? There's a reason Lynn ran Roman's offense all year in 2016.
  7. 11-3 as a starter. Bridgewater only played when the game was over because of Keenum.
  8. What if he agreed that he probably would be fired, after basically getting told by the Pegulas that they didn't believe in him? He should've stayed for what purpose then?
  9. No, that's a reporter making himself the story. EJM was a trash can, I don't need to hear what "Tim Graham, media personality," thinks.
  10. I think I love these takes the best. I love that he quit, but I hated him for quitting. Talk about a no-win scenario. at least Rex and his gang got his boys to love him!
  11. Sour grapes game on 1 billion. "We didn't want to be in the AFCCG game anyway!" Doug Marrone, undefeated in the playoffs. Let's go!
  12. "Fine?" Sheesh. Tebow put up better numbers than what TT shat out in the Jags game.
  13. You can be a good journalist without being a prick at the same time. Tim and his fans seems to think you can't have one without the other.
  14. Because he'll simultaneously act like a scorned 15 year old girl and miserable middle-aged man at the same time? Tim Graham is Tim Graham's biggest enemy, and everytime he does a spat like this, he looks worse than his target. He's the one who has to live with his reputation. I would rather call him out and have him (unfunnily) roast me on Twitter than have to wake up as him. And that's the God's honest truth.
  15. Tim Graham acts like a thin-skinned hypocrite and child on his personal Twitter. It's gross to see a grown man be so miserable. Unsubscribe. PS: He's also not funny at all. He's an unprofessional jackal who can dish it out but not take it.
  16. That's the definition of second-hand. You haven't met the man.
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