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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Wait, wasn't Woods not good enough to be the Bills #2 for Taylor? He was "a high-end #3 who was a great blocker." Taylor needed better WR's to succeed. Funny how that changed after Woods met a real QB and embarrassed TT.
  2. Are checkdown's passes or runs? Why do you keep propping up this fake news?
  3. A shame "the right system" is the #1 rushing attack in the NFL. Lots of QB's look average in that system.
  4. That quote only works after someone says an "if" statement, dude. I consider someone telling very likable strangers on the internet how good their life is a tad more insecure . Good debate though. EJ sucks.
  5. IMO, it doesn't matter. BB is who is he is because of his disciplinarian approach. It's the reason he's a great coach. Discipline over all. You have to take the bad with the good.
  6. If I was a bus, we could all go for a ride. Boobie ='s Karlos. Karlos only had >50% of Boobie's career yards from scrimmage in 11 games. Basically equal. Spiller and Shady are also basically equal. Welcome to the bizarro Kirby world.
  7. If you take out his good plays, he was bad. Solid analysis. Tell me more about how Boobie (who was in the same league as Karlos) or any back would have been effective on the Bills in 2015. Do you plan on checking your work before you post next time?
  8. Yeah, just like Boobie who was "in the same league." Oh wait, no. Boobie averaged 2.1 YPC in 2015. Boom Herron averaged 3.4. Whose man is this? Somebody get your man!
  9. HAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOO Karlos, in 11 games in 2015, almost had as many TD's as Boobie Dixon had in a 6 year career! Karlos' rookie year he broke 500 yards, something Dixon never did ONCE. Your opinions are SO BAD
  10. Is Clay better than Scott Chandler? Is 5 games of Harvin better than zero games of Harvin? Were Karlos and MG better than Boobie Dixon and Bryce Brown? You're right. Orton was the best drought QB. As well as the best QB since Kelly.
  11. Tyrod got a HoF RB, OROY candidate RB, a #2 weapon in Harvin, a Pro Bowl G in Incognito, highest paid UFA TE in Clay, and Gillislee. And the offense moved up 6 spots. Remember when you called them the same offense? Also, Orton played less that TT did. Why doesn't he get credit for it "being higher if he played all (16) games?" Oh, that's right. Because you're addicted to being wrong.
  12. I'm not complaining about the offenses. Talk about shifting the goalposts, again! Is this your new MO?
  13. Landry Jones and Mike Vick started 5 games for Pittsburgh that year and they still had more points than us. AJ McCarron had to start 3 games for the Bengals that year and they still had more points than us. EJ was a trashbag, but it's time to stop blaming him for Tyrod's inabilities.
  14. Except when you double down on being the wrongest of all time. I think EJ might've been the worst QB of the drought. Of that, we can all agree.
  15. You are admitting you're wrong right here! Here's your proof. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/buf/2015.htm 12th! Not top 10! If only Kirby had your humility and grace.
  16. There is zero evidence they were top 10. YOU claimed they were based on nothing. Burden of proof is on you. You're talking about the wrong year.
  17. You'd have to eliminate every defensive/ST TD in the league. And then what do you do about a pick on the opposing 30 that results in a 3 play and FG series? Is that truly "offensive" points? No thanks. You wanna say they were top 10, do the research and prove it. Otherwise, they were 12th.
  18. Brady's legacy is tarnished at this point. 5-3 is really not that good. Coming up small in the biggest stage is never a good thing.
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