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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Morons, all of them. Bryant has ZERO point. He signed his contract. His perspective that the Steelers are double dipping is a brain dead perspective.
  2. Again, you miss the mark. It's not about trading insults, it's about arguing. You and your ilk prove yourselves woefully incapable of making cogent points. Look at your last couple of posts. Pure nonsense. Roll over and let me rub your belly!
  3. I wonder if you would have replaced McCown with Foles, a year ago.
  4. I'd rather have McCown. We might actually score more than 3 points against the Jags.
  5. I disagree with almost 100% of PPPers on the 2ndA. They think me extreme, I think them not extreme enough. Shut the !@#$ up, lemming. See how that went for you? Act like a moron, make a **** argument, get **** on and shut down. Class is over.
  6. "The Buffalo Bills managed 9-7 and a first round exit two years in a row, Tyrod Taylor goes on the WoF as the greatest QB in Bills history." Aim higher.
  7. PPP is tougher than TSW. The regulars mock each other in every educated discussion. The difference is that the regulars actually argue thoughtful points while trading barbs. The newcomers, and the Tibs/gator/baskin gang, far too often forget to actually argue, and instead use boring sarcasm and tangential topics. Then they get called idiots. Your "Know Anyone With a Disease" thread was 99% preaching peudoscience and 1% thoughtful discussion, which is why it was roundly mocked. If you want to talk on PPP, you up your game or you get trashed until you do. That's just how it is.
  8. I'm comparing TT to his peers. Apparently, it's "really bad" when your #1 or #2 target misses 47% of the time. Except when they miss >50% of the time and you win MVP. Then, maybe, not so bad? Have a good one!
  9. Outside of the points he directly scored, his numbers weren't that good? Okay..... He threw for ~800 yards more than TT's career high. Had 45 TD's to TT's career high of 24. Let's repeat that. Cam personally scored 147 more points that year. 147. Would love to see Taylor tied to that same measure LOL.
  10. Aaron Rodgers also lost his #1 for 50% of the time between 2015 and 2016. Not between both his one and two, just his one.
  11. Okay. Between 2015 and 2016, Cam Newton was missing one of his top 2 targets over 50% of the time. In fact, Cam lost one of those players for 100% of 2015. I think he did okay that year.
  12. You simply cannot make this statement without a league wide comparison of every QB and their top 2 targets during that 2 year period.
  13. I believe that making "exceptions" to the Second Amendment is unacceptable. Shall not be infringed. If my loved one goes down in a plane crash, should I try to ban airplanes? Let's use that thing between our ears for one second.
  14. Because of the Second Amendment. Bans infringe on my inalienable rights. Next question. There is no solution. It sucks that kids are getting killed. But this isn't an "epidemic," either.
  15. The silver lining to tragedies like this is that it exposes morons like LA Grant.
  16. Are talking about the "free world" that only became free after the US fought and won their freedom? That free world? I wouldn't expect somebody whose country wasn't born through revolution to understand. It's easy to throw stones at the fighters from the sidelines.
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