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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. I'm willing to bet that zero of those came from taking opioids as directed.
  2. Let me know when that became the definition of harmless, idiot.
  3. Exactly. Lots of folks are crapping on this move, but what choice did Jax have? Bortles salary was fully GTD next season with a $19M cap hit. An extension was the only way to reduce that hit. They weren't signing Cousins in FA with Bortles eating $19M on the cap. Now, they can draft a backup in round 2 or 3, have him semi-compete with Bortles over the next 2 years, and go from there.
  4. Are you arguing that the entire basis of our government is fundamentally flawed? Or are you just punching way above your weight and have no idea what you're talking about?
  5. I was using "protect" in the sense of ACTUAL physical protection. If the government banned free speech tomorrow, the first amendment wouldn't do squat. The second would give us the means to defend ourselves. It's okay for restrictions of the First when it comes to child porn because I do not believe that Tommy Jefferson and the gang fought a war over child porn, nor believed child porn the sort of speech they were trying to protect. Now tell me I'm an NRA member for the 19th time. Wtf are you talking about now? Here's a tip. Start with "I'm Just a Bill" and go slow from there. You may have something to contribute by 2020 if you study hard.
  6. Another student. Welcome to 200 years of history where our government interprets intent. Did you guys not finish high school?
  7. This is what the Supreme Court does. All the time. And yes, the Second Amendment actually protects all of the Amendments, as well as our basic liberties. It is certainly vital. I'm educating you on how our government works. This is so cute. "You're arguing "I like guns and I don't want to be inconvenienced getting guns." " Where do you come up with this stuff?
  8. It's actually just two separate ideas, you dumb !@#$. Child Porn was not in the founder's intention. Not allowing restrictions on the ability of private citizens to arm themselves was. You are proving too stupid to insult.
  9. I already explained this to you. The intention matters, and that's what gives the Second A it's immutability. It's like you didn't read my post, called me a support of child porn, and then prematurely declared victory. This is what we consider here, a retard.
  10. A restriction and/or ban are equally unacceptable. That's because in this instance, they are one in the same. I'm arguing that the Founders thought that the freedom to put weapons in the hands of private citizens, of the same caliber as the weapons used by the government, was paramount. And that the consequences of that freedom were acceptable.
  11. So the argument is "let's try to ban the unbannable and waste all of our time when there are clear reasons it won't work?" Okay. Well, no thanks. Wrong. The Amendments were drafted with intent. That intent matters. I don't think there should be any limits on the Second Amendment, because the government and the governed must be on the same playing field to prevent tyranny, as the founders intended. That doesn't mean I think something absurd, like perjury should be protected under the First Amendment. Because that's not what the founders intended. See the difference?
  12. How does Australia differ from the US in geography? How does Australia differ from the US in guns per capita? How does Australia differ from the US in illegal gun numbers? This is why the gun ban arguments suck. Well, that and the pesky thing called the Second Amendment! Does the majority know the meaning of "Shall not be infringed?"
  13. Well, that's your opinion. Not the opinion of the people who matter, I guess.
  14. Didn't you just admit he was considered a top prospect? I'm confused.
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