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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Sure. You can also end up with Andre Holmes and Jordan Matthews as your top 2 WR's too.
  2. Woods had the best WR in sports playing opposite him to distract #1 CB's. Also, didn't you say the Rams overpaid Woods once upon a time?
  3. Adam Thielen's deal came after his "fluke" year. Tate's deal came after 4 JAG years with the Hawks. Baldwin's deal came after his first year putting up 1k yards after 4 JAG years. They aren't really comparable.
  4. 1 more first down per game is one more drive extended per game. Brown's average salary is $17M Green signed a deal with AAV of $15M 3 years ago. Davante Adams plays with Aaron Rodgers and put up JAG numbers and got $14.5M AAV With the cap going up, $15M AAV is not too big of a price.
  5. I will protect you. As I protect all too shortsighted and stupid to protect themselves. For someone who believes in a Big Pharma conspiracy, you're quite dismissive there, Bob-O.
  6. Hahahaha okay buddy! Thank God we have people out there who defend you better than you defend yourself.
  7. Where's the per target comparison of Alshon and Landry? Extra catches for 6, 7, 8 yards often times move the sticks. They have value, even though we pretend like 20 yard passes are all that matter.
  8. Perception is a funny thing. Landry has averaged more yards, catches and TD's over the last 3 years compared to Alshon.
  9. There's things I control and things I don't. How many physicians are in on Big Pahrma's "scheme?"
  10. I'm not sure of your end game being intentionally wrong. Good luck to you. Disinformation is never justified. I am curious as to the potentials of cannabinoids as a therapy. I will NOT pretend they don't have a side effect profile and a risk associated with them. Of course.
  11. Not really. Because anyone with an education in medicine or science knows you're incorrect. You are welcome to embrace your own ignorance rather than educating yourself. It's your God-given right. There is no proof, buddy. That's the whole point. You wanted me to make something up? For what purpose? Yall really stink at this.
  12. Yes. And clearly you don't, with this ignorant statement. There are PAGES of diseases in which the pathophysiology is poorly understood. Your ignorance to this simple fact proves you should bow out now. There is very little evidence that cannabis isn't. Which is important to the medical community. First do no harm, anyone? The question is relevant because there is a campaign of misinformation against opioids which is having the harmful effect of making patients suffer needlessly because they are afraid of the grossly exaggerated risks.
  13. I'm not sure that data is out there either. Especially when studies of opioid include heroin, which hasnt been prescribed for a century, and opioids that are not taken as prescribed. As an aside, did you know that chemo drugs can kill you if you OD on them? Do you think it's reasonable to include the death profile on those when they are used incorrectly?
  14. I stopped prescribing heroin in 1888. Double blinded studies and that "jargon" is the basis of every medical decision made in the modern era. You also have no idea how medicine is practiced. Surprisingly, you don't realize the science matters.
  15. Here, I'll give you a chance. Show me a randomized double blinded clinical study that conprares the efficacy and adverse events of opioids and canniboids. Maybe I am ignorant to such a study, but I haven't seen it. You have no idea how medicine is practiced. Of course the pathophys is poorly understood. That's the whole god damn point!
  16. Yep. Follow their citation. It comes form nowhere. They literally made it up. Also, you changed it from what they said. You said, "1 in 4 people prescribed opioids for pain struggle with addiction." The CDC said, "As many as 1 in 4 people who receive prescription opioids long term for noncancer pain in primary care settings struggles with addiction." And the source they cited....didn't say anything. What does "struggle with addiction" mean, anyway? Symptoms of physical dependence? Because some slight constipiation isn't a big deal. Psychological dependence? How severe is the "struggle?" You see how having lay people meme there way around these topics is such a problem, and why physicians train for 12+ years. The potential for misinformation is vast. I agree that marijuana as a schedule 1 is excessive. I don't believe any drugs should really be illegal. That doesn't mean they are safe. There is insufficient data to prove to safety and efficacy of marijuana. Any health care professional with a brain will admit that. Your experience as an n of 1 is really not relevant. I don't need to ask another doctor to know the data. I know the data.
  17. We have insufficient data to make that claim. How do opioids affect brain development in adolescents? How does marijuana? Also, that 1 in 4 number is BOGUS.
  18. I'm not trying to prove that. Especially because we don't know. But opioid use as directed is safe. The OD number is not as directed.
  19. Nothing like a 10:30 case that isn't draped and prepped til 11:30 Ruins the whole day.
  20. Wrong. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22231902 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24598271 https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov/pubmed/24598271 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29218644 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29227828 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29125965 Not to mention the deleterious effects of consumption on the developing brains of adolescents. They may not die, but they have their cognitive function impaired forever. This is why I challenged you. There is an opioid crisis but the meme "opioids bad, weed good" needs to die. Lots of weed addicts too. What's your point?
  21. Did your first case cancel this morning? Dear God WEO, the man has a family.
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