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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. There's no evidence that EJ or JP were drafted for ticket sales. That's a hindsight argument because they ended up sucking. This "when a team drafts a first round QB they have to wait" nonsense is just that. There is zero, and I mean ZERO reason to let your decision have consequences like that. The argument of "waiting" to let a QB fall to us can just as easily result in an EJ/JP/Paxton Lynch/Manziel scenario. You go get your #1 guy, not the 4th or 5th best QB that happens to fall to you because you're too chicken **** to take a chance.
  2. If the Bills never drafted a QB, they'd find a good QB? Solid analysis.
  3. Two teams are already reported to have inquired. Landry is an elite tier role player/piece. He's not a blue chip star, but he's at the level right below. I don't blame him for trying to get paid a level above.
  4. You don't understand the design of the US gov. That's why you came back with nothing. You've demonstrated that several times in this topic, but most clearly right now. You lost
  5. That would actually be inconsistent with the way the US government works. The Second Amendment is specified in the Constitution. Child Pornoraphy is not. What is not specified in the Constitution is left up to the state level. It's actually shocking how so few understand the US government. Now that's not all their fault but still.
  6. That's because several posters, most notably Tasker, has stated that even if you proved "common sense" gun laws worked in reducing school shooting, it wouldn't make a difference.. You refuse to go down rabbit holes that you yourself don't manufacture. Follow Tasker's. It'll be fun.
  7. Do you remember when you asked questions about the First Amendment to make points about the Second Amendment? Why can't you extend a courtesy you were already given pages ago?
  8. Shady had better numbers in 2016. Someone better intubate TT STAT.
  9. Nope, I'm protecting you. Every second. Every day. Be grateful, dopey. I'm the mother deer and you're Bambi. Are people really this stupid? They know we like, fight wars and sacrifice lives for our rights, right?
  10. Is this Hemet? Hemet, you bastard, you can't namechange on me.
  11. No, the real scorching takes at the time of the McD hiring were: "FINALLY, Whaley picks his new HC!" "Now Whaley can demonstrate how good of a GM he REALLY is" "I told you Whaley was safe! Pegula knew it was all Rex's fault."
  12. Pittsburgh came to mind, specifically.
  13. You are on fire today. It's the o/ou thing. They have to learn twice as much terminology.
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