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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Hahaha the classic case of rhabdo and fulminant hepatitis right around contract negotiations.
  2. Beane has no choice. Behind closed doors, he could give ground to Richie and still save face. Richie blew this up himself. How big of a paycut was it? I thought it was mostly restructuring with more money up front?
  3. The policy existed before CTE. Did the NFL employ a fortune teller?
  4. I guess if you're gonna make something up, do it big. Fans were OUTRAGED when Ray Lewis came back to win a Super Bowl in his last year because of the deer antler spray. Or when Peyton came back with his wife's HGH to go out on top. Pandemonium. Riots in the streets.
  5. Ha ha what? There's public pressure against PED's? What are you talking about fella?
  6. Then why does the NFL test them at all? You don't make any sense.
  7. How else could "use" be the crime if you can't catch them using? "Getting caught punching a cop is the crime, not actually punching him." Bizarre comment.
  8. Only a chick could go on a shooting spree and only manage to kill herself.
  9. Yeah, marijuana contains the GOOD carcinogens. These good carcinogens eventually lead to coughing up blood, weight loss and hair loss! Pot really can do everything!
  10. The Jets hate right now is a simmer. The Rex Jets at their peak were sooooooo hateable.
  11. They still had a terrific QB. But yes, they played a much different style than the Pats or Broncos. Tyrod was lousy because he got worse every year he played statistically and visibly. If 2015 was his baseline, he'd probably still be a Bill. Unfortunately, it proved to be an anomaly. Kirk's tape is much better than TT's. Ultimately, Tyrod is a QB that your OC schemes to hide. Rivers and Cousins are QB's that your OC schemes as a guy in the offense who can put the team on his back. And the "average at best" receivers meme needs to die. TT's top 3 WR's in his first two years are currently all in the top 32 of AAV WR contracts. He had a really good unit, 2017 not included.
  12. HoFers though. Eliminate Brady, who is the GOAT, and Peyton, who is also considered of the GOATs, and the QB-centricity diminishes. I''m not saying they aren't clearly the most important. It's just that Brady and company have made it seem even more so than the reality of the other 30-31 teams. Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers and Big Ben are all very valuable and probably the three best QB's after Brady.. None have been to the Super Bowl in 5 years.
  13. Pats do it every year. I think a former top 10 pick bust has a better chance than a late 6th or 7th. Shoot for the ceiling. Physically, White is fast and has quite a bit of height on him. I liked him a lot.
  14. Not just late round. Last round. Former top 10 pick? Love grabbing underachievers rather than TC heroes.
  15. Because the QB is the only position who touches the ball every play. It's the most important position. Like pitchers.
  16. But that's where your argument fails. Eliminate Brady/Peyton and the QB position is not so lopsidedly important. It's just the most important position, just like pitchers and we are living in the era where some of the best to ever play are going strong. You're basically saying the Jordan-era NBA is imbalanced because the shooting guards are too good. I called your point ignorant because you said the QB-centricity of the NFL means you can't win in multiple ways. That's not true AT ALL. As evidenced by the vastly different styles in the last 5 Super Bowl Champions. It's not "Get good QB, win the Super Bowl every year."
  17. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2516340/ There you go, retard.
  18. It's a one year strategy so far and it's hard to say how it will play out.
  19. It has to be better than Michigan's recruitment strategy for QB's who can't pass.
  20. Ignorant opinion. The Seahawks, Broncos, Pats and Eagles all played vastly different styles of offense, defense and philosophy in the last 6 Superbowls.
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