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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. It's actually not, at all. Terry Pegula was dating an employee. Could she end the relationship without being worried she'd be fired? Could she truly consent to continuing the relationship with the power dynamics? It's the exact same logic as #MeToo. Terry better watch out. Snyder is a divorcee and doesn't work for the Bills so doubtful.
  2. So being romantically involved with an employee before you hire them as an employee is gucci? And hiring them because you are romantically involved with them is gucci?
  3. Anyone concerned about the problematic power structure between Terry, the owner, and the new president? TP better watch out. It may be the Buffalo Kim's by 2019.
  4. Do you celebrate when bad gas station attendants get fired too? Crack open a bottle of Dom when a lawyer gets fired for poor performance after a divorce? Terry and Kim thought Rex was a wise investment. When did they become infallible again?
  5. No. I won't. Vague, anonymous accusations do not constitute evidence of wrongdoing. Don't be what's wrong with the world.
  6. What are you talking about? A man's life is being destroyed here and we have animals cheering based on zero information. Awesome.
  7. EJ proved he sucked after his second year, not his first. His first year was mediocre but acceptable if he took a step forward. He took a step back. It was his collapse versus the Chargers and Texans where he and his own teammates lost confidence in him. EJM's first two games were his best two. That's the kiss of death for a QB in the NFL.
  8. Sorry, I added. Seeing as we never get a teams board, it's impossible to do a real comparison anyway. The real elephant in the room is that Darnold may have been the #1 player on 30 teams' draft boards, and if he busts, only one team will get grief for it.
  9. This wasn't addressed at me so forgive me, but I think your view of that demographic voting block is incorrect. I think there's a demographic block of significance that feels that the minority collective is worse off, not better off. Facts. Clinton was the machine. Trump was the wrench. I'd say 80% of his supporters say, "He's a maniac who says dumb ****, but I couldn't vote for Hilly."
  10. Well then the major knock that "Mayock never worked for a team's FO!" is kinda silly then, isn't it? Seeing as we never get a teams board, it's impossible to do a real comparison anyway. The real elephant in the room is that Darnold may have been the #1 player on 30 teams' draft boards, and if he busts, only one team will get grief for it.
  11. By that same token, the majority of the GMs in the NFL don't have 10 years of their boards under scrutiny. Do you think if Doug Whaley was on TV next to Mayock for 10 years he'd be substantially better? I don't. You know who else isn't that great? Just about every GM in the NFL.
  12. Those 3 points may have played a role for some voters. However, they are too simplistic and narrow to truly capture what happened in the Trump election.
  13. Success with Tyrod in Cleveland is playing .200 ball.
  14. Between pick 19 and the Bills next selection in 2015, only one player selected was a Pro Bowler. And seeing as how 32 other players went between those picks, I doubt we would've landed the Pro Bowler. The Sammy trade was dumb because doubling down on a WR without a QB is silly. Trading away firsts is silly. And I'm not giving Whaley a pass. It just didn't really matter all that much.
  15. The 2014 team was built by Whaley's better so and Whaley sabotaged his own team by forcing EJ down everyone's throats.
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