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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. And as we saw in the Rex coaching hire, that was not the case. I don't really care that Kim Pegula is the new President. She's the wife of the owner and assumedly knows "something" about business in general. She may screw up, or may do fine. She's hardly the first unqualified sports executive out there. But she is "unqualified." And I would have more faith in a different executive. But I would have more faith in different owners too, so where does that leave us?
  2. She could: Screw up the Bills bottom line Screw up the Bills day-to-day operation Screw up any tertiary PSE events, World Juniors, etc. Screw up new stadium negotiations Screw up new land leasing negotiations Screw up gameday fan experiences Screw up ticket prices Screw up box seat prices Happy (Days)?
  3. Do you think Terry, already divorced with two kids, married a waitress 13 years his junior and had a 50-50 marriage agreement? Did I wake up in a different dimension? Who is the President?
  4. What is this Kim is co owner stuff? If Terry and Kim got divorced, would they split the team? My money is on, well, no.
  5. Trump is about to get a Nobel Prize for helping non-whites. Good job, good effort, leftists.
  6. Stop saying things I don't like around me - A message board post in The Year of Our Lord Two Thousand And Eighteen. Yeah, how does workplace romance even RELATE to this topic? I can't see it. Thanks Wayne!
  7. If you'd read the thread, you'd see how the Pegulas' relationship wouldn't fly today under the new precedent and rules of workplace romance.
  8. What was Terry's net worth in 1991? Does Kim marry him if it's less than 100k? She was hired to do the same job she does for the Bills. Be a face that talks to people. Did she purchase the land? Did she find the oil and gas?
  9. Are you saying Terry was a starving small business owner and Kim the waitress married a divorced man, with 2 kids from a previous marriage , who was 18 years her senior who had no money? Holy Hail Mary.
  10. Hear it from Kim herself! ""He said, 'Hey, I can use somebody at East,' but I think he made that up," Kim said with a laugh." https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/sports/2015/08/23/kim-pegula-making-difference-adopted-hometown/32166573/ Kim Pegula herself thought Terry made up a job just to date her! You lose! Remember when you got the date wrong when East was founded by almost a decade to fit YOUR narrative?
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