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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. And as busy as you are, you still have time to tell us how much you don't care that another human being is suffering. Bless your heart. Make sure you tell your congregation.
  2. There's lots of common, well-tolerated meds that can cause SJS. Like penicillin .
  3. There are worse people off than you, and I still sympathize with you. Our hearts are infinite friend. We truly have the capacity to care about everything. I can care about the poor, and the environment, and Johnny Manziel. My heart hasn't exploded yet. Give it a try.
  4. "the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue." Seeing as you're the one who demonstrated your "not-so-good character," does that constitute as !@#$ signaling? Johnny said he's on lithium and that's what caused it. Lamotrigine funnily enough is one of the more well-tolerated drugs.
  5. This has nothing to do with "support," it has to deal with empathy for your common man. Hey, look, I feel bad for Johnny Manziel and his struggles and wow, I also feel bad that Colin Kaepernick was punished for doing what he thought was right. Can you believe it? I exist, right here!
  6. Are you Colin Kaepernick? I've never seen anybody post as much about him in random threads than you. I found it inflammatory and wanted to understand what your intention was.
  7. I look forward to gator's 3 word thought provoking rebuttal.
  8. Okay? How simpleminded do you have to be to not be able feel sympathy for a fellow human being, while also condemning their actions and mistakes? Are folks in this day and age truly incapable of holding two separate thoughts in their head at the same time? Maybe we should just kill Johnny, because he's clearly so irredeemable in C.Biscuit97's anonymous online eyes. What?
  9. What can be avoided is being a jerk and not sympathizing. Hope you have people in your life that care when "unavoidable" bad stuff happens to you.
  10. 2013-2014 A&M highlights remain a top 10 video for me. Minor setback for a major comeback.
  11. It's unlikely he's on antidepressants, but avoiding any kind of drug/alcohol would be important. Yes, I give a !@#$ about what happens to my fellow human beings. What kind of monster are you?
  12. We don't know the type of reaction. He's on a mood stabilizer surely, and there's a ton of possible reactions. Hopefully that's all this is.
  13. The Raptors should give their salaries back. Talk about laying down and dying as a one seed. Embarrassing. Even the Bills try harder against the Pats.
  14. Yeah I can't imagine what happened in the 80s that would make you have watched early 90s C's .
  15. Well I was a little confused why you thought winning wasn't a positive as the alternative to winning is losing, and that would be a much bigger negative, IMO. I do disagree a little bit though. When building a fan base, you have to get the kids. The 6-20s year old demographic. You get those fans by being winners, because kids love winners. Then they are fans for life. And their kids are fans. Look at the Bills in the 90s and most of our fanbase. How many lifelong fans did that Super Bowl era beget? Versus the 2000-2010 era? You're right, no absolutes. But success out of the gate is a positive when it comes to growing a fan base, IMO.
  16. I hate the Celts and their bandwagon fans but I agree.
  17. Serious question: Would losing early in a non-traditional market be a positive?
  18. Pegula kids about to get a talking to and subsequent tweet deletion.
  19. I just finished the Berenstain Bears series, you uncultured swine.
  20. "I can't believe how much you care, I'm gonna keep posting about it, because I don't care at all!" Have a good day.
  21. It's the definition, dopey. Make another inane argument and I will dismantle it again.
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