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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Oh well. If I say some awful stuff to my girl and she slaps me, I'm not pressing charges. If she said some awful stuff to me and I put her through a window, I would expect charges. When did rationality die? Was it 2014?
  2. Canadians actually think like this, which tells you all you need to know. Envy is unbecoming.
  3. See, this is where you act retarded. You are INCAPABLE of understanding. VIOLENCE BEGETS VIOLENCE. Tape it to your !@#$ing foreheads. If you justify violence, the opposition will justify violence. People will die. VIOLENCE BEGETS VIOLENCE. Read a !@#$ing history book. Either accept the fact that the Palestinians CANNOT resist getting violent and thus are the authors of the violence returned on them or figure it out and act peaceful. Indians got shot in Gandhi's era. Gandhi rallied the international community in ways the Palestinians NEVER COULD, because they remained peaceful.
  4. That act wasn't violent. You are incapable of seeing the capacity for peaceful protest, much like the rest of the Palestinians. It's sad.
  5. They should know by now violence begets violence. Stupid AF, tbh. How did Israel "incite" this protest? Depends on how many US soldiers get killed or maimed. If all the rockets miss, the Mexicans shouldn't have to suffer return fire! Don't you know the rules of engagement? - Justice, probably
  6. What's the definition of insanity dude? If the Palestinians decide they will continue to throw bodies at this problem in hopes someone will step in and save them, they will all die. What more proof do you need of that fact?
  7. Then they know the risks and don't need you crying about how it's unfair. See how that doesn't make sense?
  8. The simple answer would be don't throw rocks and get violent with the people who have guns because, you know, you might get shot. I guess some lessons are never learned.
  9. The "violent ones" are just the winners? Sure bro. You were big on "those Hamas rockets aren't doing THAT much damage, retaliation is immoral," too. FOH.
  10. Embarrassing opinion. Wentz was easily QB2 by November that year. To the trash he goes.
  11. http://nflfootballjournal.blogspot.com/2017/12/2017-pfj-all-pro-team.html Do you believe in miracles?
  12. Brad is too smart. He loved Avery Bradley, but knew when it was time to go. Sucks for Hayward too, tbh. One freak injury, if he has ever the slightest career blip next year, his whole value could change. He may be getting sold off for a pair of rotational guys and a pick. Would be nice to see them all out there on the court together next year. Play Hayward/Taytum at the 4 next year, space the floor like crazy, with Terry/Smart, Morris off the bench? C's might win 65 games.
  13. The C's will be kings of the East for the next decade. Taytum and Brown are the truth. If they keep Smart or Rozier, they'll be unstoppable, even after Horford gets old. Gotta think the Hayward marriage is almost over. They will need his cap money. And Taytum ain't gonna come off the bench next year.
  14. I think there's 50-50 odds this whole board is DC Tom, Greggy and gator with 20 distinct personalities and alter egos.
  15. You should log into thirdworld.com/messageboard and just tell them all you're too busy to care.
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