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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. RIP to the haters and losers, of which there are many.
  2. In fairness to Chan, he believed he could scheme an offense to hide his QB and WR deficiencies. He wasn't entirely wrong. By the numbers, he squeezed out an above average offensive unit with basically undrafted guys. Offensive TO's and our D killed us. Would we have fared better with another WR from that 2010 class? No. And schematically, I don't know if another pass rusher was the answer either. We were 3-4 pieces away on both sides of the ball.
  3. Maybin was drafted 5 years too early for the wrong defense but he did SUCK. CJ Spiller was drafted in the worst era for RB's when we had a HoFer and WoFer on the roster. It was a blunder for sure.
  4. Johnny versus Allen QB competition for the Buffalo Football Bills in 2020. Book it.
  5. Everyone else who has posted. One would wonder why you cared enough to post.
  6. I hope that Ivory plays well enough to give Shady a lesser workload. I wouldn't have hated seeing the Bills and an RB in the 4th or 5th this year to shore up that unit.
  7. If you have children at school, it should. Just like knowing their risk for harm is minuscule traveling on an airplane.
  8. Doing something for the sole purpose of saying you did something is not the answer.
  9. Good call on the White pick, but I hope the bolded doesn't turn out like your Watkins versus OBJ and his chronic hamstring injury take.
  10. David Carr threw 9 TD's to 15 INT's, 162 YPG, with a 62.8 passer rating and an outrageous 76!!!!! sacks taken his first year. Not sure what you're referencing. I think everyone realizes there are QB's who have success right out of the gate and then flame out, but there are way MORE QB's who suck out of the gate and always suck. If Allen does what Watson did in 2017, NO ONE will say "yeah but RG3 and Vince Young and and and...." He will absolutely given the benefit of the doubt, which is what he would deserve. And yes, if Allen hits, it all changes and I will have been wrong. But give me Watson's chances of being franchise over Allen's chances today.
  11. We would have our original first rounder in 2018, so we could absolutely have gotten Edmunds. I would trade Allen and Tre for Watson right now and never look back, but that's just me.
  12. Would you rather have Watson or Allen right now? That trade will be judged on the QB's. Tre is really good though.
  13. You quoted ME. I made the point, with my first post, which you quoted and responded to.
  14. I'm not saying it's right, don't misunderstand. I'm saying there's degrees of domestic violence, and treating them like one size fits all is absurd. See above.
  15. No it's a man's world bro. You said it. No excuses for violence. Everyone must pay based on where they put their hands! Johnny is spending a night in a cell. That'll teach him.
  16. Ha ha okay bro. Let me know when you call the cops on your 13 year old son because he takes a swing at you. "It's a mans world Johnny, I'm charging you for assault!" And to your children point, imagine the emotional toll it would take on them to see their father call the cops on their mother for slapping him. Absurdity. Let me guess, men's right activist?
  17. Oooooooh pardon me for having an "issue" that I feel no threat to my safety or health when a 110 pound female throws a slap that wouldn't hurt a 12 year old. It's not about it being "fine." It's about not pressing charges over something so ridiculous. She's not a menace to society. Like I said, rationality is gone. And it's been gone. A little girl slap is the same as a dude putting his wife through a window. A poor sexual joke in the office is the same as rape. That's crazy to me. Honestly. I'm not sure how we could have that info. We only know how many people get caught faking, and how many people get caught hitting women.
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