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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. And yet, somehow, out of the millions of interactions people have with the police every day, only 940 males were shot in 2017. The police do not have the right to kill people without due process, but they do have the right to defend themselves.
  2. I don't think it's a stretch to assume Richie may have said or done something unhinged in the gym that would qualify him getting Baker Acted.
  3. Pivot city bro. Don't actually analyze what you're saying, dodge and duck and distract. Almost every public school in America forces their kids to pledge allegiance every morning.
  4. Can non-government officials be dictators? Two folks who forgot 8th grade Civics discuss! @26CornerBlitz
  5. You do not have freedom from consequence. You never have. Dear god, no.
  6. Not good. You only get Baker Acted if you're declared incapable or a threat to yourself or others. Not good at all.
  7. Dame Lillard and those boys have been Nazi saluting this whole time? Mother!@#$er. I knew Kristaps Prozingis was bad for the league.
  8. Good. I'd rather the NFL suppresses all messages, rather than picks and chooses which are worth supporting.
  9. Agreed. But I think there's genuine concern the protests will hurt their bottom line or their public perception or what have you. Even if it doesn't/wouldn't, if you believe the NFL is truly bulletproof, this decision doesn't really matter either. Mandating standing during the anthem won't affect them either.
  10. The NBA said the same. Shut and play basketball. Look! "However, on Friday, the NBA issued a memo to teams reminding them of the rule that requires players and coaches to stand for the national anthem. Adam Silver confirmed to reporters that the league expects players to stand for the national anthem, citing the rule. He did not answer whether players would be penalized if the rule was broken." https://www.sbnation.com/2017/9/25/16358070/national-anthem-protest-kneel-kneel-rule In the heat of the kneeling debate, Silver sent a memo saying, "don't forget, you aren't allowed to protest during the anthem, be quiet and play basketball." What's the difference?
  11. Hey dude, are you planning on not contradicting yourself every 5 seconds in this thread, or what?
  12. Really? Because you just said that "forcing players to stand for the anthem" will "alienate all the younger fans" and you. But the NBA forces their players to stand for the anthem and doesn't alienate their fans, so really this topic is nonsense.
  13. NBA has required players stand for the anthem since David Stern. Troll job on 100 thousand million.
  14. It's not gonna be this either. IDK if you heard, but this guy said the NFL isn't dying:
  15. I think prescribing off-label is a gray area. I take it on a drug by drug basis. Again, a discussion of risks and benefits is paramount. No personal experience with compassionate use. Don't see a problem with it in theory.
  16. HA HA YOU DOPES LOST. No anthem disrespect allowed! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
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