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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Don't feel guilty until they do a toxicology report. Haven't you heard?
  2. Show us where you're right. YOU claimed it violated the CBA. Link it. Please and thanks.
  3. Didn't the NFL fine a Muslim WR for going to his knees in celebration? And then reversed it?
  4. And you didn't care. At all. You're such a victim to headlines. It's kinda outrageous. You remained ignorant to a "HORRIBLE INJUSTICE" for 20 years. Joke.
  5. They have been forced to stand for the anthem for 20 years. It's a rule. Dope.
  6. Oh, so only the rights of people who play the sport you like matter. LOL. Ray Rice has been crushing it in the league though. Good point dude.
  7. Why have you remained silent for 20 years about the NBA limiting rights?
  8. Write Kim and tell her to be consistent and respect the flag. I don't hate the move. I don't work for the Bills though.
  9. Important distinction. Must abide or suffer the consequences. The consequences do not always mean lose your position, sometimes it's just disciplinary action at the discretion of the employer.
  10. The NBA has done this for 20 years. You act like the NFL is the only employer who has ever had public funding. Did you just wake up today? Still waiting on Kaep's lawsuit successes. LOL.
  11. This is not true and constitutes a fundamental misunderstanding of, well, everything. Did David Stern bend over for 45 20 years ago, dopey?
  12. Huh? They are getting a ton of backlash for doing something they believe in. Would they be braver if they did something different just so they didn't get yelled at?
  13. Does this mean I'm the undisputed most moral medical expert on PPP?
  14. He has a history of possible psychiatric behavior. I doubt he threw the dumbbell at the guy, then said sorry and went quietly.
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