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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Nothing is more American than a business operating in any way that they deem fit.
  2. The anthem somehow isn't a big problem in the NBA, or NHL, or MLB.
  3. Can this week get any better? Buy stock in Manziel and Marrone.
  4. I agree its possible. Kaep also did other things to taint the message. The voting thing, the pig socks. If his goal was peaceful protest to raise awareness without being disrespectful, he went about it the wrong way and inflamed people against him. Bad move. And that's why the other players have had pushback.
  5. It doesn't matter how many "would" but how many "could." Couldn't they all? Couldn't Merrill Lynch put that in their employee contracts? So if they could, then this is a non-point.
  6. Which will prove what? You just said 8000 people isn't enough. This is an emotionally charged topic for you, and you're flailing. It happens.
  7. MAJBobby of page 5? I'd like to introduce you to MAJBobby of page 3. It's hard to stay consistent when you're emotional. I get it. Later, fella.
  8. Hey Bob, do you think that 8000 is a better representation of the military than 5? Let me know. You know that NO POLL actually polls every single person, right? They just poll enough to try to get a diverse and adequate representation, right?
  9. Well, you can thank Colin Kaepernick for dancing the line of raising awareness and being a disrespectful idiot. LOL. So the handful of vets you talk to supersedes a poll of 8000 + vets? What a joke. 8000 is easily a large enough number to adequately represent the military. You lose, Bob. You and your friends are NOT the majority, per this poll.
  10. https://iava.org/anthem/ Here ya go. 62% of vets polled object to the protest. You and your 3 friends are a drop in the bucket.
  11. There are polls online that disagree. You know that, right Bobby? Why do you think your personal experience is worth more than that?
  12. Guessed wrong. You're full of false assumptions on this thread, huh?
  13. Hey Bob, maybe take a couple of deep breaths and avoid this topic for a while. I can feel your emotions.
  14. The NFL is ill-equipped to solve racial injustice. Furthermore, that's not why fans tune in.
  15. So what? Your personal life experiences don't dictate what is majority and minority. Exactly!
  16. I believe the CBA will allow these fines. You're one person. How could you say this?
  17. You're asking the wrong people. Our opinions are irrelevant. The owners' opinions are the ones that matter.
  18. They solved the problem of people kneeling during the anthem. Not every team will eat fines for their players. The teams can fine their players.
  19. The NFL already solved the problem. Stand or else. Thats it. Open and shut.
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