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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. If you watch, the second Orton gives up on the play and initiates the slide, he doesn't even fully get down without 2 Denver players being right on top of him. I think it looked more egregious in real time, especially because of how slow he was, but I would put my money on him not being able to make it after reviewing the replay.
  2. I agree that he added nice pieces. He didn't add many difference makers. The players that Whaley brought in by and large were good role players at great value. Nix added the blue chip franchise pieces. Line them up against each other, and the Nix team beats the Whaley team pound for pound 100/100 times.
  3. There is zero indication that Whaley wanted any other coach other than Rex, outside of Hue Jackson of 1-31 fame. Whaley not given 100% HC hiring ability actually helped his career. Whaley's positives by and large were Nix guys. His personal "hits" were mid-level players, glue guys, guys that help a 9-7/10-6 team go 12-4. Manny Lawson, Preston Brown and the rest of the gang were not particularly impressive. Zero drafted players in 4 years were selected for a Pro Bowl. Bad bad bad bad bad bad.
  4. Is that a serious inquiry? No, I think you have such a large chip on your shoulder that any slight, real or imagined, against Buffalo gets to you.
  5. Orton did not have the angle to get the first and protect himself. He gets his head taken off trying to get it, he may be hurt. Hurt Orton means EJ plays. EJ plays mean we lose every game after that. Tom Brady has made that play 50 times in his career. Because Tom Brady not getting hurt is more important to the Patriots than a singular first down. It's not like it was 4th and 1 on a potential game winning drive. It was 3 minutes into the second Q in a 1 score game. Plenty of game left to make up for it.
  6. The Orton slide was not a bad play to anyone who understands the NFL. As its replacement, I submit Rex punting versus the Dolphins. Also, Fred Jackson tried to score against the Pats, he just got tackled.
  7. You think after 10+ years, you'd have driven to Home Depot and gotten some putty to fill that chip on your shoulder. Yikes.
  8. The real question will be can they keep Smart
  9. Trayvon Martin, Mizzou, Ferguson, Eric Garner etc etc. There was a 10+ year lull of racial "incidents" since OJ. Same thing.
  10. Race relations aren't worse today than the 1810s either, but that doesn't make them good. Race relations have gotten worse sine the 90s.
  11. Shaq Lawson isn't as bad as Aaron Maybin. Excellent news. Now if Josh Allen isn't as bad as Jamarcus Russell, we're killing it this year!
  12. They came out with an Enhanced Edition package that's touched up and I fired it up recently. Takes me way too far back.
  13. Anyone rooting for Lebron is dead to me. That is all.
  14. Win or lose, I think it's most important what Allen looks like than how he plays. By week 12, does he start looking more comfortable? Does he start grasping the offense? Does he make decisions for the right reason (not necessarily the right result)? Most importantly, is he aggressive? I don't care if we're 1-11, when there's 4 minutes left in a one score game, does he try to win? Does he attack a defense? Does he trust his arm in a tough throw in a big spot? I'm a firm believer that a rookie who plays their whole or almost their whole first year, you see their ceiling by the end. You see what they will be. Derek Carr in his 15th game already looked like Derek Carr. Russell Wilson was the Russell Wilson by the 2013 postseason. If I can see the vision by the end of year one, its on. If Allen is skittish, uncomfortable, unaggressive, we're in trouble. You can make an aggressive QB tone down the mistakes, you CANNOT make a conservative QB trust themselves and their arm.
  15. Nice to see Bill down in the mud. I was looking to see if Nick Saban was indicted for international espionage.
  16. In general, root against all Boston teams. Liked some of the guys on the Celts in years past, and was mixed about them winning. I hate Lebron more than anyone on the Celts or the Celts in general, so I'm just gonna root against Lebron.
  17. I loved Leodis, but man oh man was he perhaps the unluckiest Bill in the history of Bills. The dropped punts in biggest moments, the injuries. I'm pretty sure he got hurt in 2014 when he was leading the league in INT's. And then there was the infamous sound bite. Pissed after a loss, McK tells reporters and the world that next week the Bills "are gonna beat that ass, point blank. Period." McKelvin gets hurt in the first Q and does not return, and, you guessed it, the Bills lose. Legend.
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