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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Hey now, don't let @#34fan hear that intolerance talk.
  2. They got Kendricks for pennies. He instantly improves their LB group. I would've loved him here at that price.
  3. That wasn't even passing TD's. It was TOTAL TD's. Even when you factor in TT's running production, he sucked. Imagine thinking a QB who can't score as many points as some RB's and WR's doesn't suck. Couldn't be me.
  4. All those? You mean 4? So if Josh Allen has 3100 yards and 18 TD's three years from now he'll be good? No. 18 total TD's was 26th!!!!!! in the league last year. Todd Gurley had more TD's than Tyrod last year. That's SUCKING. 18 total TD's was 28th in the league in 2016. 18 total TD's was 25th in 2015. 18 total TD's was 25th in 2014. 18 total TD's was 22nd in 2013. 18 total TD's was 26th in 2012. 18 total TD's was 21st in 2011. 18 total TD's was 22nd in 2010. 18 total TD's was 21st in 2009. Is being in the bottom third of total TD's bad? Is being regularly beaten by skill position players in TD production bad? Is having single WR's on good teams with good QB's beat your ENTIRE QB's production bad?
  5. Oh my god. If Josh Allen throws for 2700 yards and 14 TD's in 3 years, no one is going to call him good.
  6. ABT came from the fear that McD would roll with him again rather than taking a shot. At least for me.
  7. Seriously. If I'm Cleveland, I come back to offer $1M after that outburst.
  8. Will have to parse the language but this seems like a win on its face.
  9. I read your article and independently vetted a claim that they made in the THIRD sentence. And found it to be bull ****. I'm sure you just took the whole thing on face value. Which is why it was important to demonstrate the dishonesty/ignorance of the author/authors.
  10. Lol, the cited source for that asthma stat takes you to "BeyondCoal.com" who cited it from the reputable journal of "EarthJustice.org" who pulled it out of their ass. Nice.
  11. Also dopey, this was the post I quoted. This is EXACTLY the ignorance that I was referring to. Retard.
  12. They are called the rights of man. Not the rights of Americans. You ignorant !@#$.
  13. Understandable. I'm higher on him than most but I get it. I figure that cuts both ways. They might have REALLY regretted the Landry signing if not for bringing in Hyde, retaining Gordon, that young TE they got last year. The less pressure on Landry to be the #1 go to option, the better for everyone IMO.
  14. First of all, no. You're arguing for tolerating intolerance. Which is the only thing you can't tolerate, if you're anti-intolerance. Dope. Second, arguing for a modicum of peace by giving up our fundamental and inalienable rights is so foreign to the nation that you've been blessed to be born in. It's anathema to everything that the USA was built on. Third, anyone who argues that they will only tolerate things that don't affect them directly has a fundamental misunderstanding of the rights of man and why they are so important. Dope Fourth, my visceral response to your post was due to the fact that I know you aren't alone. There are hundreds of thousands of ignorant folks like yourself with your misguided convictions and that's why I fear for our country and the future you will build for it. Fascism doesn't gain support from the population because they love evil dudes with absolute power. It gains support because the population views it as necessary for peace, security, prosperity or what have you. These populations are proven wrong, over and over again throughout history. You want to be the 10 millionth person to make the same mistake. It's distressing. I suspect it's human nature at its core, but that proves to be no comfort watching it fester and grow before my eyes. In summary, you make me want to get on the short list to get in Greggy's underground bunker.
  15. What do you mean? The two entry wounds are clearly from a magic bullet.
  16. Signed with the Browns. They are sneaky building a team with a ton of good pieces. Shame about Tyronne Hue.
  17. It's the same 10% of people talking about who were already talking about it. Nobody saw Colin Kaep kneel and said "hey maybe black people are mistreated sometimes in this country." Effectively zero.
  18. I feel like I've talked about this a lot, but how often you get hot matters and how hot you get matters. Flacco had a few games every year or every other year where he looked like he was the best QB in the league. TT never has. That's why Flacco got the big bucks and TT is a career backup/fringe starter. Do you mind adding Goodwin? I think you see a 700 yard difference, but not in the way you'd want.
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