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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Very nervous. I would hate for your combined brain wattage to finally power up that light bulb.
  2. I'll start working on the "I'm Coming Home" Montage video. It will start and end with his draft announcement.
  3. Incredible that BADOL called you out for a Tim Graham obsession when he's been all over this topic in full on damage control mode. "Maybe he had a good reason guys!!!!!!" It's quite a sight.
  4. Because it wouldn't be a callout unless you drew attention to yourself as well.
  5. Hence the reactivity. Some of the notable afflicted predicted we'd have the train cars and death camps up and running by now.
  6. We may honestly 3-4 years away from the "Say what you want about his policies but Obama made being President cool again" thinkpieces that are basically white flags.
  7. The best of the trash. It's not championship caliber or trash. But there is a clear line between good enough and not good enough, and once you're below that line, I don't care if you're the king of the trash.
  8. Ha ha ha ha ha ha how much did that hurt to type? I'm picturing this scene:
  9. He took office 17 months ago homie. How's the economy done in the last 17 months? Thanks for playing. See you next poll.
  10. The economy is worse than ever thanks to Putin's man inside. Oh.
  11. It was an ugly season for the most part. I can handle ugly and winning, but ugly and 8-8 or ugly 6-10 hurts.
  12. So then he's trash. If he isn't good enough to do anything more than sneak in, he's no better than any other backup.
  13. Do folks really not know the expression "don't piss on my head and tell me its raining" anymore?
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