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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Well, I was alive in 2011, so I remember. The correct answer was "regardless of the point Sam Bee was trying to make, her language was classless, gross, and unacceptable" But after protesting that you aren't a liberal defending Sam B, you defended Sam B. Inject it into my veins!
  2. No, see. There you go. "Well, she had a point you see......." No.
  3. The media has LONG dictated otherwise. http://www.espn.com/boston/nhl/story/_/id/7495441/tim-thomas-picked-wrong-time-make-statement https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1037288-tim-thomas-the-ugly-truth-behind-his-white-house-refusal https://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/susan-milligan/2012/01/27/tim-thomass-white-house-snub-wasnt-brave-just-rude Some choice quotes for ya: "Thomas, the star goaltender for the Boston Bruins, was invited to the White House for the customary presidential congratulations for winning the Stanley Cup last year. This is an apolitical event, one that is extended to Super Bowl and World Series winners as well. It's meant as nothing more than as a gift to the athletes, since the president—no matter who is in the Oval Office—probably has better things to do with his time than congratulate athletes, especially when the team is not from the commander-in-chief's home town. Going to the White House is a special event for any American. It is a building that belongs to the people, after all, a building that represents our democracy. The occupant of the building is there temporarily. The symbolism and sheer beauty of the White House is permanent." "There are a lot of people who believe that if there was a Republican in the White House, perhaps Tim Thomas would not have felt so inclined to make such a strong statement. But, that is irrelevant really. Because, to reiterate, Tim Thomas, the INDIVIDUAL, was never invited. Tim Thomas, the Boston Bruins goalie, was. Now, if Thomas was a real man, he would have gone to the Boston Bruins management and ownership, returned the money from his contract and quit the balance of it by retiring–so he could exercise his rights as a free citizen. You see, I am all for exercising your rights. I am all against abusing them. And Tim Thomas abused those rights. There are soldiers who fought and died so that Thomas would have the right, as a free citizen, to freely choose to sign a contract worth millions and millions of dollars with the Boston Bruins. Included in that contract would be his obligations to represent the Boston Bruins in public. Unless I am sadly mistaken, there was no clause in there which stated that Thomas would not have to represent the Boston Bruins if it involved a trip to the White House." "There's no denying Thomas' patriotism. He represented Team USA as an Olympian and has called it one of his most memorable moments of his career. But when the president of the United States invites you and all your teammates to the White House to honor your Stanley Cup championship, you go and represent the team. On Monday, Thomas instead chose to represent himself." Oh no. Oh no no no no no. This kills the Eagle.
  4. The folks who defend Sam Bee's comments while condemning political rivals for language/lack of class are who I was referring to. My mistake.
  5. Alright guys, show's over. Coach Tuesday has lost interest. You know what that means. @PromoTheRobot , get out of here, and go to the next UB topic. @DrDawkinstein, I think somebody is defending Russ Brandon somewhere, go get 'em. @BADOLBILZ, Shady's radio show starts at 11 am sharp, start preparing @Hapless Bills Fan, I'm POSITIVE some other topic needs moderating. I think that's it. Or, wait. Maybe we can keep talking about a topic that Coach Tuesday has lost interest in. Does anyone know if that's allowed? Can someone check the TOS?
  6. Tim Graham acting like an ass and not getting the response he intended? Are you sure you have the right guy?
  7. I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the collective "you."
  8. No reason to. Trump is Trump. If you think the guy is going to show anything that could be perceived as weakness in this stage of the game, you aren't paying attention. I don't believe any of those people "represent" me. The difference is that the Samantha Bee-like crap gets defended by liberal leaders and liberals themselves. "She deserved it!" "It's not as bad as Roseanne!" Do you think I have spent one second of my life defending or excusing what Roseanne said? Of course not. Because it was disgusting to anyone with a brain. The same way I don't defend every Limbaugh soundbyte. I'm not a foot soldier for the Looney Tunes. Defending Sam Bee while condemning Trump's comments makes you a hypocrite loser who deserves to be called out.
  9. The White House visit has long been considered an honor for championship teams. Athletes who choose not to attend for political reasons have historically gotten crushed in the media for doing so. The Eagles attempted to embarrass a sitting President with whom a majority of them disagree with. And now they are a target of his ire and fanbase.
  10. The Jags. The Browns followed the Jags formula. Be bad for awhile, accumulate young stars and prospects, then make some FA and trade splashes to make the leap. Something the Bills should've done years ago.
  11. As Kanye once said, "the most beautiful thoughts are always besides the darkest."
  12. Ha ha, TG isn't Stephen A Smith bad. Awesome take. Speaks to his credibility, really.
  13. If, 20 years from now, Tre White is getting his gold jacket and thanks Nate Burleson personally for helping motivate him, will you crap on Burleson? No. Of course not. Hence the real estate comment. Your thought process is "I hate Jerry Sullivan, so I think this," and it's readily apparent to anyone with eyeballs.
  14. That was a response TO DARRYL GIVING HIM CREDIT. Do you know how conversations work?
  15. BADOL is right though. Why should a paid journalist trying to maintain relevancy in the 21st century as a public figure be held to a higher standard for clarity than JimKellyFan69 on an anonymous message board? Oh.
  16. Darryl gave Jerry credit. Did you charge Jerry and Bucky for all the real estate in your brain?
  17. So TT sunk down the list. Makes sense to me. Meanwhile Jameis hung around 18-19. Thanks.
  18. While I enjoy your independent rankings, I quibble with Winston being less than TT. I also think that snapshots miss trends, which matter. JMO.
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