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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Wow! We are paying for health care AND electricity? This is truly the darkest timeline.
  2. Do you think there are other factors at play for youth incarceration rates? Everyone in America has the right to say stupid things and have stupid opinions. I think we just used to be more ashamed of saying stupid things.
  3. I still bat things back and forth about Rex. I didn't particularly like the hire at the start. I wonder how much better things would've been if he took the job a little more seriously. I think he got up for the Pats and got up for the Jets and he coasted a little. And I do think the personnel wasn't a great fit. And I think his style of defense was a little antiquated. And I think the defensive lockerroom mutinied twice. And I think he acted like he still had "his boys" who would run through a brick wall for him, but in reality he had a bunch of guys who just were on a great unit without him and trashed him the year before. Rex's bluster doesn't work when you haven't proven anything to a new locker room. He didn't have David Harris or whoever in his corner who remembered the run a few years back and loved him. It was really the perfect storm of awfulness. No one predicted he'd be that bad.
  4. If you feel comfortable talking about the Bills getting better, you haven't been a Bills fan long enough. I think everyone sees the vision. Some just don't believe it will come true.
  5. Woah, the guy who said he wanted to make a "respectful statement" and then wore pig socks is full of it? Who woulda thunk?
  6. Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery subjective depending on the play. Sometimes there's no play to be made. Sometimes there's a play a really good QB could make. That large gap is consistency, IMO. I think every QB in the NFL CAN make a good read and correct throw. But do they do that 50% of the time or 90% of the time. That's the difference between fringe starters and franchise guys. But sometimes, for the sake of brevity, you say "can't" when you mean "can't with enough consistency."
  7. I knew you were gonna say that. There's a clear difference between the result of those plays. But ALL of those plays can result of not being able to make a correct read and throw. Let me give an example. Player A misses the easy read on a flood pattern and throws to the wrong guy. Pick. Player B misses the easy read on a flood pattern and get sacked from behind because he hesitated. Sack. The results of both plays are different, and I agree with you 1000% (because that's obvious), but both plays resulted from not being able to make the correct read. Am I being more clear?
  8. Well, I'm not sure there's much of a difference between sacks, INT's and incompletions if we're talking about reads under pressure. All three can be a direct result of being unable to make a correct read and throw.
  9. Fighting fire with fire is something. I'm pretty sure CK said he'd stop kneeling if someone would hire him. I remember when Gandhi said he'd eat a Union Jack cake if Great Britain supplied him one.
  10. 15/22 for 162 yards with 5 sacks is not good........ I'm not saying the team played great and he held them back. Just that when the QB needed to elevate, he didn't. He was same old mediocre Tyrod. His third quarters are the anti-Warriors. The Jets game was another mediocre showing from Tyrod in a long line of them. Sometimes our defense and other guys play well and we win. Sometimes they don't and we lose. Rarely does Tyrod play what I would consider "good," especially in 2017. Tyrod is one of the most sacked QB's in the NFL through 3 seasons. In 2017, the line was not great, but we had 3 ProBowlers in his first two years. So.......
  11. Let's analyze, I'm doing my own math here so let's see. 1st drive: TT sacked, incomplete to Deonte Thompson, Shady no gain, punt. TT 0/1 and a sack. 2nd drive: TT complete to Jordan Matthews for 11 yards (good), Shady for 13 rush, Tolbert for 1x2, TT to Deonte for 5 yards on 3rd and 8, punt. TT 2/3 for 16 yard and a sack. Looks like he's completing a high percentage, but behind the sticks. First downs aren't important for his stats tho. No way a defense would give you a 5 yard pass on 3rd and 8, that's silly. 3rd drive: TT 3/6 for 29 yards and a TD. Good! TT now is 5/9 for 45 yards and a TD, one sack 4th drive: TT 1 pass for 13 yards, takes 2 sacks, incomplete. Now 6/11 for 57 yards, one TD, 3 sacks. Not awesome. 5th drive: TT goes 5/6 ( with the incomplete having a penalty so 5/5), but takes TWO MORE SACKS. One requiring a burned TO. Stats, 11/16, 114 yards, one TD, 5 sacks Drive ends on a fumble, not TT's fault, that's halftime. Here's where it gets problematic. Half 6th drive: 3 and out, TT 0/1. Ugly start. Stats, 11/17, 114, one TD, 5 sacks 7th drive: TT goes 1/2, 9 yards, 3 and out. Stats, 12/18, 123 yards, one TD, 5 sacks 8th drive: 3 and out. TT 0/1. Stats 12/19, 123 yards, one TD, 5 sacks. 9th drive: TT starts out 2/2, for 19 yards. Fumbles and loses 7 yards, so SACK. Throws to O'Leary and O'Leary fumbles. So that's 15/22, 162 yards, one TD, 6 sacks. 4th Q TT put up 9 yards in his first 3 drives after the half. That's BAD. He completed one pass in his first 3 drives. That's BAD. He went to sleep like he always did, and the defense didn't hold on and the game ended. That's BAD. Taking 5 sacks in a half is BAD. Tyrod is BAD. If it was easy to be me, everyone would do it.
  12. Imagine if TT didn't get those two garbage time TD's. He may have finished with 16 total TD's on the year. That would have tied him with 7 games of Aaron Rodgers, Deshone Kizer of 22 INT's in 15 games fame, and Alvin Kamara, a rookie RBBC. What an illustrious group. Thank God for those 2 TD's, honestly. Cleveland may not have offered enough for us to trade him if he got matched in scoring by Kizer.
  13. No, you just originally posted: So you changed the story. Scoring 1 TD when the game is still a game, and then scoring 2 TD's in the final 4 minutes down 27 points is the DEFINITION of garbage time. But that's okay. His slight bump in passer rating to those who pore over the box score didn't save him as a Bill. And maybe Cleveland didn't watch the game and that's why they offered a third. Beane doing Beane things.
  14. So is gaining >50% of your yards and > 66% of your TD's down 17, then down 24, then down 27 in the 4th Q no longer garbage time? Tyrod's agent might have been the only person happy the Bills cut the lead to 20 with 4 minutes to go.
  15. He will cost them money. Be a media headache, and that may cause losing. Bolded is 100% accurate.
  16. Well he fell to #48. Hard to say exactly where he would have gone otherwise, but he did have a first round grade on him by many scouts. Probably cost him a couple mill. I know one thing. Nobody normal on this planet thinks it was good or okay that he punched that girl, even though he still got drafted.
  17. I know exactly what it means. But it can't send a bad example unless you thought he was getting rewarded for that bad behavior. Unless you thought that bad behavior helped him in some way, it makes ZERO sense. Mixon was a 1st-2nd round talent who fell because he punched that girl. You say that sets a bad example. It actually quite clearly demonstrates consequences of your actions. Only somebody incredibly stupid would think otherwise. The NFL isn't in the "sending messages to youths" business. They are in the "money and winning" business. And business is good. If a youth punches a girl, and personally blames Joe Mixon for doing so, nobody in the NFL should lose a second of sleep. The only people who should lose sleep is his bad parents who failed in their only job that truly matters. Parents parent. NFL people do NFL things. (Insert Charles Barkley I am not a role model)
  18. For who? Who could be so stupid to think that Mixon was rewarded for his bad behavior? Does anyone think he was drafted for his right hook? Show me this person. More likely is this is a boogeyman set up to make a point and doesn't actually exist. Also, if you say kids are that stupid (they aren't), the NFL's job is not to parent your kids. Tell your kids you shouldn't punch girls. Don't blame the NFL for not doing your job.
  19. Got u. I promise CB, there are exactly zero fans who watch Joe Mixon on Sundays and say, "Wow, that kid can run the football real good, maybe I should punch my girlfriend later." What silliness.
  20. I don't rank human beings based on the good, and bad, that they've done. Nice to see you're preparing arguments for God though. CB hates to see anybody but Kaep garner any sympathy on this board. Johnny Football, Richie Incognito, the puppy from "A Dog's Purpose," they all must PAY for gaining sympathy when Colin Kaepernick still is unemployed!
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