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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Cages? What do you think should be done with the children of lawbreakers, who cannot enter the legal system? Should they join their parents in jail?
  2. We need OUR propaganda to counteract THEIR propaganda! - Your politically active US citizen
  3. I'm sorry but who the !@#$ are you? If you think I'm going to both watch this video and make a reasoned and well thought out point, you got another thing coming, buddy.
  4. Why didn't you respond to my original post directed at you? I'd love to answer your questions after you address it.
  5. Again, this is not curbing incorrect news outlets. This is curbing enemies of state who knowingly and willingly put out disinformation to support the largest known coup attempt in US history. Try them all. Find out who the ringleaders were. Hang them.
  6. Yeah but those veterans who get upset about anthem protests, they're wrong so they should just be quiet.
  7. I didn't expect Taylor to respond any other way. I just think it's funny when backup QB's talk ****. Chase Daniel saying that he's gonna create a new playoff drought in Buffalo would be just as funny.
  8. Today I learned McDonald's serves items topped with scallions. ?
  9. I can understand that argument. Even if gator is mostly or entirely trolling, there are undoubtedly tens of thousands of other idiots who do actually believe his nonsense. And thus demonstrating his idiocy serves to educate those who would believe in his message. Gator, knowingly or not, is unsalvageable. But those who march under his standard are not.
  10. I can't believe they separated OJ from his children. Miscarriage of justice. What Gator does takes no skill at all.
  11. Tyrod to the Bills: I really don't like you. I feel bad for you. The Bills to Tyrod:
  12. I'd like to jump in here if I would. Tasker, what opinions do you have on the government's "free-reign" during times of emergency or war? Martial law etc. I ask, because I think it is quite germane to this subject. If you believe this government has been waging a shadow war with the so-called "Deep State" for the past 18 months (I do), and you believe the goal of this "Deep State" is to destroy the very foundation of this country through espionage, lies, and outright treasonous behavior (I do), then are we not in a state of emergency? Have we seen a collection of named bad actors in the government attempt a coup of this magnitude in the history of the USA? Have we ever had a group within our own ranks in the media conglomerates and institutions of our own government be so intertwined to work towards the goal of ending our democracy as we know it? I see your points in your discussion with Joe. But if CNN is in bed with the Deep State (they are), aren't they the enemy? And then this isn't a war on the free press, but a proven enemy of the state? I know, I know, Clinton may have been able to claim the same about Fox News or anyone who criticized her. But claiming it and it being true are two different stories.
  13. I know dozens of Canadians who opt to travel to the States to actually get care because it's almost inaccessible in Canada. You will never hear me say that a child deserves to die. Or that they deserve cancer.
  14. Single payer is crap. Canada's health care is crap. The biggest problem with Canadians is that they have lived in cages for so long, they don't know what freedom feels like.
  15. You got your Kim's wrong. Il has been dead for a while now.
  16. Yeah that does suck. People also conflate Kim Jung Il's reign as a murderous dictator with his beautiful singing voice. Such a shame.
  17. I'm pretty sure that deal is gone. So Obama got "nothing" done. ACA is next. Worked for Castro and Obama. But they played a baseball game too. I see your point.
  18. 10/17 for 109 yards and a TD is not what I'd consider "elevating." But let's both hope Allen does a little more than that too.
  19. How did you feel about Obama and Castro again?
  20. WRONG. Tons of QB's do it. Not a ton do it often. Tyrod does it never.
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