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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Shaq still sucks. Don't we have to decide on his option this year? Is there any chance we bother?
  2. Incredible. Doug could get any job he wanted in the NFL and he takes this one.
  3. Yeah, just like the quotes about how Woods and Watkins suck and TT needs REAL WR's to play well. Back in 2016. INT's have differences in field position too my dude. A strip sack is worse than a 60 yard bomb that's intercepted. "Everyone cherry picks but me."
  4. Perhaps you misread what I quoted. When was ignorance of the law an absolute defense? More reason to build a wall.
  5. There are no laws on the books that say you have to prosecute criminals committing crimes? Interesting.
  6. "You just wait til CJ Spiller kills it with a great offensive coach on his new team." I'm having flashbacks. McVay is rolling with Woods over Watkins, so is this a "he's going to be fired" prediction?
  7. You keep it up and you may get the Supermax after your rookie deal.
  8. Tibs has held off a lot of challengers in his day. Birddog was one of the earliest, but his gaps in reasoning were just too genuine to be considered trolling. Then there was baskin and ...lybob. Both rivaled Tibs in their ability to draw attention to their "points" but neither had the volume or stamina to put out post after post like Tibs did for so long. They were like running backs with a great 6 year stretch, but not the longevity. Tibs is now on the downswing of his career. Plays a little more mercenary. Gary has the soul and the heart behind his trolling attempts. I feel like I'm watching Jordan on the Wizards play 18 year-old Lebron. Two ships passing in the night. PPP Hall of Famer, but he just doesn't have it anymore.
  9. Gary is SO MUCH better at this than you. You need to step your game up dude.
  10. Wow. It's almost like calling each other Nazis, racists, fascists, dictators, and !@#$s for 3 years is detrimental to the process of governing. Who knew? To be fair, you didn't have a lot to offer in the way of political discourse. You were offering something closer to political bathroom graffiti. The kind that's written in human feces.
  11. I wonder how effective it is in treating oxygen addictions.
  12. I think I had a stroke when I read your post, because I didn't get that at first, but it's now abundantly clear. My bad.
  13. I was actually drawing attention to the fact that this ilk got so abused by the "safe space" remark, that they twisted it and diluted it to mean, well, nothing at all.
  14. I personally do not. The DOJ and Trump administration might have that evidence. We're a long way from 2009, sadly.
  15. Okay, fair enough and compelling. I agree with most if not all of it. I would ask then, what is to be done if there was proven collusion with intent to violate our Constitution by a media conglomerate and bad actors in our own government? How does the President, for lack of a better term, fight against citizens and government officials committing treason? Darin is the other Muppet, you muppet.
  16. I too had to imagine if I was a Jew to sympathize with Holocaust survivors.
  17. I am aware. I'm asking these fine folks what their solution would be.
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