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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. What is your definition of decency and morally bankrupt? Serious question.
  2. Okay, thanks. She just has ideological disagreements with Saunders, voted for Hillary and acted like a silly child for retweets. Sure doesn't sound like a leftist prog to me!
  3. Unless Twitter likes count as currency, I doubt they see any spike at all.
  4. "We need a phrase to defend when we are contradictory in our moral arguments!"
  5. Sure. And customers have the right to express their displeasure by condemning said practice and spending their money elsewhere. Luckily, most small business owners aren't morons and won't commit business suicide by doing something so petty and stupid.
  6. Jordan on the Wizards-level effort. Retire old man. You're done.
  7. Be honest Scotty, your ideal QB could throw 0 passes per game as long as it resulted in 0 INT's. Rank the folks who died on the hills of deficient QB's who left Buffalo because they weren't good enough. I say EJ folks > TT folks > JP folks > Flutie folks. TT folks are making a late charge to challenge the EJ stockholders.
  8. It's over for the American people. If you agree with a law, anybody who breaks it must be punished. If you disagree with a law, you should be able to break it without consequences because it's Hitler. We lose. I submit to our Chinese overlords. Praise Mao.
  9. Looking at the UFA list for next season, we may have to sign a #2/#3 WR and draft another high. I was looking for our Alshon/Watkins/Robinson and I don't see him on there.
  10. Because Executive Orders are an unlawful bypass to the process of law-making in our Constitution and anything done by EO can just as easily be UNDONE. You will find very few posters on here that approve of EO's by any President. But they mostly blame Obama because he was the one who normalized the public opinion that the President can do anything with a pen and a phone.
  11. I mean there's something new for you to glean. For the rest of us who see how clearly deficient TyGod is, it's the same old **** sandwich we've half eaten.
  12. No. The people who weren't aware, didn't care. The people who were aware but liked the guy in office, didn't care.
  13. Right. No one cared because it was Barry and they were all convinced they were on the right side of history. That's the same point. The "this is what I think, so it's morally correct" mentality is a blight on our nation. No one argues from a place of morality. It's retroactive and in the moment.
  14. The Tyrod "he needs good WR's" crowd is the exact same pathology as the EJ "look at Peyton Manning's first 14 games" crowd. That Venn diagram is a circle.
  15. The point I'm making is the same point I've always made. Tyrod is mediocre to bad. Most people recognize this. He has his Stans who manipulate data to make him seem better than mediocre and bad and claim that any data that runs to the contrary is cherry picking.
  16. Hey there. It's me again. I have a question. Can a reporter/newsoutlet commit treason? Can they be tried for treason? Can they be punished for treason?
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