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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. I mean, there's so many. And so many words. Sometimes I miss a thing or 8.
  2. Hey man, what is the goal here? Treating people or getting high as !@#$?
  3. LOL at thinking that if Bernie was elected, the DNC wouldn't have forced him to take Hilly as VP and then offed him by Easter.
  4. Are we allowed to mercilessly mock your attempt at whatever the hell that is without being a "trumptard?"
  5. I am mesmerized. Is this your only trolling move? You need to up your arsenal, bro.
  6. Re: Schumer's comments. It appears like they have lost control. It won't be long now. I'd rather lose the culture war and win the actual war than the converse.
  7. Be nice, Joe. He just got to the end of the talking point playbook, and there are no more pictures.
  8. Then that's not the free market, you dope. Can you go three seconds without contradicting your own silly posts? Better yet, why don't you give us your actual opinion on the matter instead of regurgitating leftist talking points that you don't understand?
  9. The Mexican government, for all intents and purposes, has seen fit to throw their hands up in regards to this problem. When do we decide the difference between "can't" and "won't" is negligible? What can we offer Mexico that will entice them to actually contribute to this solution?
  10. The jokes aren't as funny when you repeat them after me. Who would've thought the guy who named himself after another poster on here had a creativity problem. Exactly. This is a problem that needs to be approached by several different avenues to be truly solved. We simply cannot bear to be the protectors of non-citizens who come here illegally. We cannot act in their best welfare, because they are not citizens of our country. This is what happens when Americans get it in their heads that the USA can save everyone. We cannot. These people who are citizens of a foreign country should look to their own governments. But the solution isn't bussing children into trafficking areas because "America First." That is not the country I am proud to be a part of. Furthermore, that's not a policy I will vote for. But how do you force another sovereign nation to act in the best interests of their own citizens? Do we invade and set up a new regime?
  11. So we'll chalk you down in the "drop children off by the busload surrounded by traffickers" camp. Gotcha.
  12. I asked specifically about unaccompanied minors. What do you do with unaccompanied minors? The US population at this point will not, IMO, stand for dropping off them off by the busload in Mexico surrounded by possible traffickers without their families around. I wonder at the cost in both money and time, of doing DNA PCR on every familial unit caught in the US illegally. I don't have an accurate estimation.
  13. With all due respect, I do not think that is possible. I do not think it moral, nor do I believe the US population will stand for it. How do you document people that quickly and precisely? Fingerprint database? Pictures? Well, would you look at that? If only there was a President who ran on that very platform.
  14. If civil war is inevitable, our best case scenario is the attempted invasion of US soil by a foreign power. If Americans have proved one thing, it's that we can unite against threats to our nation like nobodies business.
  15. Do you leave children alone on the Mexican side of the border with strange adults and possible traffickers?
  16. Hahahahaha. Imagine thinking that alienating half of the country is actually a GOOD thing. The left really learned nothing from HRC. They are doubling down. Incredible.
  17. I would like to know what solution would be satisfactory in handling illegal immigration of unaccompanied children, in your opinion.
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