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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Why isn't it him changing his mind? So how does that work Doc? If Goodell hands out the suspensions, and hears the appeals, why don't his suspensions stand? Who tells him to change his suspensions? Why do some suspensions get reduced and some don't? Who is granting this oversight in the disciplinary process?
  2. Well, you've just been linked to 3 pages to the contrary, but believe what you want. Some get their suspensions reduced, yes. Goodell changes his mind or walks back his punishment. What is your point?
  3. Why don't you tell me how appeals work in the NFL disciplinary process? And tell me who players appeal to? Yes.
  5. I agree. But that doesn't mean they can't. It just makes it a bad idea. Also, the NFL would win that defamation suit. Doc hasn't read the CBA. He thinks the NFLPA and Commissioner have a separation of powers/checks and balances thing going on.
  6. Says who? The Commissioner has to say he believes Shady may have violated the policy. Boom. Shady suspended. Shady appeals, says Goodell is being arbitrary and unfair. Goodell hears the appeal. Says no. Boom. Shady suspended. You are demonstrably incorrect. There is no defender to "protect" Shady from Goodell doing what he wants with the CBA as his sword. There is no requirement for evidence or what evidence may be or what evidence is grounds. That is NOT in the CBA. You have not read the CBA. Who do they need to make a case to Lurker?
  7. They appealed to Goodell, lost, then tried to sue the league. Here's the timeline: http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/20353065/ezekiel-elliott-dallas-cowboys-officially-appeals-six-game-suspension "The hearing will be held on Aug. 29. Per the NFL's personal conduct policy, the hearing will be before commissioner Roger Goodell or a person designated by him." Henderson (appointed by Goodell) heard the appeal: https://www.sbnation.com/2017/8/18/16141526/ezekiel-elliott-suspension-appeal-explained-nfl-domestic-violence Elliott officially filed an appeal with the league on the Tuesday after he was suspended. The hearing began on Aug. 29 and concluded on Aug. 31. On Tuesday, Sept. 5, Henderson announced his decision on Elliott’s appeal. The suspension was upheld. Henderson released a statement regarding his decision. "As his designated Hearing Officer in this matter, my responsibility is to determine whether the Commissioner's decision on discipline of Mr. Elliott is arbitrary and capricious, meaning was it made on unreasonable grounds or without any proper consideration of circumstances,” Henderson said, via Adam Schefter. “It is not the responsibility, nor within the authority of, the Hearing Officer to conduct a de novo review of the case and second guess his decision.” There's that "capricious and arbitrary" language again. AKA Shut up NFLPA, we own you. Zeke and the PA sued the league. The NFLPA and Elliott’s attorneys filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of Eastern Texas to vacate any suspension that may be handed down after the appeals process, citing “the most fundamentally unfair arbitral processes conceivable.” On Friday, Sept. 8, Judge Amos Mazzant, a federal court judge in Texas, ruled on a motion for a temporary restraining order or an injunction to block Elliott’s suspension until Elliott’s lawsuit against the NFL is completed. Mazzant ruled in Elliott’s favor and issued the injunction. And then lots of legal "emergency injunctions" and jurisdictions nonsense that were delay tactics. All to fall to the simple truth. The NFLPA gave Goodell the dictatorship through their own stupidity.
  8. Not possible. You and I are correct and Doc is mistaken. Goodell has no handcuffs in the CBA. He has no requirement of "evidence" such as Doc suggested. Just because he hasn't done it (PR nightmare and would be really stupid), doesn't mean he can't.
  9. Read the CBA. Maintain an educated position on the matter. I'll help. "Under Article XI of the NFL’s CBA, “action taken against a player by the Commissioner for conduct detrimental to the integrity of, or public confidence in, the game of professional football” may only be appealed to the commissioner." "The lack of a just cause provision also implicates where the burden of proof lies in appeals of League discipline. Without a just cause standard, the burden of proof lies upon the party challenging the discipline. See In re Logan-Hocking (Ohio) Local School District Bd. of Educ., 122 Lab. Arb. 550, 557-58 (2006). That is to say, the disciplined employee, which in most instances operates through his certified collective bargaining representative, here, the NFLPA, has the burden of showing that the discipline was arbitrary or capricious." "Players convicted of a crime or subject to a disposition of a criminal proceeding (as defined in this Policy) are subject to discipline." "Leave with Pay–A player may be placed on paid administrative leave pursuant to the Commissioner Exempt List under either of the following circumstances: ... Second,when an investigation leads the Commissioner to believe that a player may have violated this Policy by committing any of the conduct identified above , he may act where the circumstances and evidence warrant doing so AKA Goodell can suspend you. FOR ANYTHING. And the burden of proof is on the player, or the PA, to fight it. And you can only appeal, to, you guessed it, the Commissioner. Does that sound retarded? Of course. Did the NFLPA agree to it? You betcha. Better luck next time. Do your homework.
  10. That's retarded. I've never hit anyone with my car. Does that mean I can't? I expected better. Not everything has established precedence, because, you know, it has to happen first. I expected so much better.
  11. Link me the evidence requirement in the CBA, please. Absence of a just cause standard is a terrible thing. The NFLPA dun goofed.
  12. I never underestimate the stupidity of the NFL.
  13. Wrong. Goodell can, quite literally, do whatever he wants.
  14. Tyrodr played the most snaps at QB last year. How much did they like him?
  15. Another Whaley gem. So low value, his sellers had to take him off the market.
  16. People who think it's a good idea to pay people for doing nothing don't tend to make it to the polls on time. They are good at retweeting other idiots, though.
  17. EJM would’ve been out of the league if he played any more games with the Bills.
  18. My guess is Shady wouldn’t qualify as a criminal mastermind.
  19. How many kids out of wedlock does Kyle Williams have? How many times has he been in the news for missing child support payments? For brawls in bars? Take your race baiting bull ****, and get the !@#$ out of here.
  20. You're wrong. Read the actual statues. They have domestic violence exceptions in those 3 states because they have mandatory reporting. It's really poorly written there.
  21. Adults deemed to be "vulnerable" are, in most cases, mentally retarded or elderly.
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