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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Some Trump voters may be uneducated but no group has more of a monopoly on retards who think they’re smart than the left.
  2. Lebron dodged the draft? Maybe that’s what the US military needs. Super soldiers.
  3. That’s cause Johnny had more talent in his left pinky than EJM ever did.
  4. The haters and losers, of which there are many, will get got by JFF eventually. Shout out @Kirby Jackson
  5. If I was an owner, I’d ask my HC and GM interviewers to explain the sunk cost fallacy and how that pertains to the modern NFL. Rex wouldn’t have made it to the second question.
  6. You are wasting your breath. Half of this place thinks the EJ pick itself set us back 5 years, but really, it was the way we operated after that screwed us.
  7. Are you going to own that you were wrong about Shaq or?
  8. It’s not an exact science either. You can look ready and not be ready. And that’s you can look not ready and be ready. That’s why sports are the best.
  9. Repulican falsehoods from Huff Po! https://m.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/07/06/more-than-63-000-people-left-canada-for-medical-care-in-2016-fr_a_23019751/
  10. Tell me why Canadian-trained doctors are leaving at a historic rate bro? It isn’t for the Mexican food let me tell ya. ”we only get our diagnostic tests and superior medical centers from the US, not our health care!” Let me know the next time an Ortho does a shoulder replacement without an MRI.
  11. The only reason Canada isn’t a bigger **** hole is because you have one city. Your country is a joke and your health care system sucks. That’s why physicians are flocking to the US from your only good medical campus in McGill.
  12. No, they won't. The NFLPA agreed to the terms set in the CBA. Every court appeal has supported the CBA.
  13. Possible. But the appeal is a dog and pony show for the NFLPA and fans. Goodell's word is law.
  14. What legal action? Changes his mind does not imply Goodell made a mistake. At all. He may have made the right decision and changed it to a bad one. And neither means that he isn't judge, jury and executioner. Because if he does what he wants in both cases.
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