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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Mostly agreed. Taylor was never McD’s guy for the most part either. He was kept around because they didn’t draft anybody in 2017, which I guess is understandable.
  2. This is what people actually believe. TT is a .500 QB. He barely scored the football last year. Sam Bradford was traded for a first 2 years back and he’s never won anything. TT “led his team to the playoffs as a winner” and got traded for a third to the worst team in football. Time to give it up.
  3. TT will look fine next week against Vanilla D because he always does, but when he’s schemed against, he’s usually beat and that’s why he’s gone. debate over.
  4. Nathan Peterman’s stock was higher when he was at Pitt.
  5. I think I’m turning socialist, I think I’m turning socialist, I really think so!
  6. I’m convinced these topics are made by Russian bots. Since when are Bills top 10 picks so valuable?
  7. The concept of 3 good players is dead. The NFL imposed sanctions on any teams with more than 2 good players. thanks Roger.
  8. Having an ability to “get along” is different than being buddies. But you’re right. People who have strong negative reactions to tongue-in-cheek jokes or different opinions do have an inability to get along with others. Not sure that’s the best way to hurtle through time and space.
  9. Okay, let's do that! Let's pull all the "positive" comments about Manziel and cross reference them. Methinks you might be surprised how much confirmation bias is present in your "TBD is filled with hypocritical racists who love JFF and hate Cam" take. Exhibit A: The people who said positive things about Johnny Manziel in the COMEBACKSZN thread. Keep in mind this is a 202 reply thread and I dug up 6 total posts. Exhibit B: What those people said about Cam in this thread (crickets) NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE COMMENTED ON CAM NEWTON IN THIS THREAD IN ANY WAY. YOUR BOOGIE MAN IS DEAD. @C.Biscuit97 COME HERE AND TAKE YOUR NOOGIE. THE "HYPOCRITE RACIST" MYTH DIES TODAY.
  10. Do you really think it’s possible there are more Johnny Football fans than Cam Newton fans in the USA?
  11. You can root for Manziel without thinking he was treated unfairly, what kind of nonsense is that? Who has higher NFL jersey sales this year? Cam or Manziel? Yeah, no one on TBD EVER calls Brady a whiny B word when he screams on the sideline. DC Tom calls him a great leader every Sunday. Its time to step out of that bubble that you’ve built for yourself.
  12. And, you know, Super Bowl winner Russell Wilson has a superior resume to Newton in some respects. Does he get hated on for being a diva? CBiscuit knows those tons of fans though. Just ask him. He'll cite his last post about how "people" do this, etc.
  13. See there’s a handful of TBD posters who have made it their life mission to call out “hypocrites” who don’t actually exist. They pollute every Colin Kaepernick, Cam Newton Tim Tebow and Johnny Manziel thread making up strawmen who they then call hypocrites, and then pat themselves on the back when the nonexistent hypocrites don’t defend themselves, because, you know, they don’t exist. Ah, exhibit A has arrived just in time! See how he references “tons of fans,” that of course no one else knows about or hears from. And how hypocritical they are!
  14. 2/3 of those problems sound like they are in better hands without their parents.
  15. They have phones don’t they? An embassy? A government? I can’t imagine these 500 kids will be in the US for 20 years.
  16. That’s my point. If they don’t know what to do with them, it means they don’t have parents looking for them.
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