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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. I mean, that's patently absurd, but obviously, Tim McVeigh represents all the John from Hemets of the world. Good point @BADOLBILZ! We can have MG back this year. So one year lost of MG (who doesn't win us the playoff game against the Jags, for those keeping score at home) in exchange for a serviceable starter at WLB is worth what? I disagreed with not tendering him as well. Crying over spilled milk to the point of this topic can be a silly way to be a fan too. For as easy as BADOL makes it sound about making the playoffs, we managed to bungle that for 17 years. Excuse thousands of fans for being happy there is a glimmering of competency from a new regime. BADOL makes it sound like going 7-9 in 2016 (how sick was our offense when we lost in OT against Miami! Or when we started human trash cans week 17 because we were eliminated! So much fun to watch!) was preferable. If you want to argue that we were better off keeping MG, so be it. But don't use a backup RB to **** on the best season in Bills history this millennium. Perspective cuts both ways.
  2. Oh, so there’s a right way and a wrong way to be a Bills fan? And you are the arbiter?
  3. For someone who believes you have the right to consume, or not consume, entertainment any way you deem fit, you sure do seem to mind when someone consumes it differently than you.
  4. Kirby is the only man of honor on this board. The rest of you cowards, we see you.
  5. You need a potential backup if someone goes down. Rather a young guy with potential than brining in a Joe Webb off the couch without a playbook.
  6. He can throw a 5 yard pass on third and 6 with the best of them, and that happened far more often than scrambling for 20.
  7. WGAS about what this twitter personality has in his database?
  8. It’s not hard to see a team that can replicate last years success with a couple of bounces. Unfortunately, it’s also easy to see a team go 6-10 or 5-11 with a few bad beats. We simply are closer to the Jauron era in talent than we are the Rex era. MOR teams are MOR.
  9. With the first pick of the 2022 XFL draft, the @C.Biscuit97 Warhogs select.....
  10. You don’t. You typed that you think “EJ is a gamer” in the Year of Our Lord 2018.
  11. Wow. I thought the black Christian Hackenburg stans would be too ashamed to show their faces. EJ a gamer. @Rico can you believe this guy? EEEEEeeeeeeeeJJJJJjjjjjjj.
  12. Gronk is really good, but he's a punk. Ramsey has a bad opinion, he's also a punk. Hope that clears it up for you.
  13. Where did you get your degree? They may send you a letter, each post is devaluing it more and more.
  14. I actually disagree with 2a. My list is: 1. Elite QB power gap 2. Elite pass rusher 3. Elite skill position player (WR/TE/RB) Elite pass protectors are nice, but your LT just plays the left side. A prime Shady or Gurley or AB can hurt you a ton of ways, an LT is stuck at LT.
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