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Everything posted by BringBackOrton

  1. Right, let's just grab the 2019 versions of Star Louwho, Vontae "healthy scratch" Davis, and our second best WR in Kerley who just got cut the day before being slated to start week 2 in our rookie QB's first game. Is that the kind of FA haul you expect net year Joe?
  2. Smart money says that Kerley told McD he wasn't gonna get his head taken off at 30 to win 3 games this year.
  3. Richie Incognito was not keepable. We failed to replace him, but we wouldn't have had to if he wasn't a psycho. Period.
  4. I have no problem with a down 2018 if it was expected to have some growing pains. I have a HUGE problem with a down 2018 if McBeane truly thought we would be better than 2017.
  5. He was our second best WR at the time and got a large deal. I would've loved to keep him but understood the reality of the situation and that tough decisions had to be made. Sometimes they work out, sometimes they don't.
  6. Woods was criminally underrated as a WR here. Lots of that had to do with the QB. I'm glad he got a good deal in LA and I'm glad he lived up to the price tag. It sucks we couldn't be the team who benefited.
  7. Cover1 and YardsPerPass are putting out the best Bills content in the game right now.
  8. The WR group will certainly all be gone next year. I will pull my hair out if we sign KB.
  9. Forcing? He agreed to it. We are hardly privy to Richie's mental state and the discussions regarding the paycut behind closed doors. With any paycut, there's the unspoken threat of "we may have to cut you if you don't agree," but Richie agreed, then melted down and reneged. Hundreds of players before Richie have taken paycuts in their old age without resorting to calling the team owner's in the middle of the night screaming obscenities. And once he did that, he was done in the NFL. He was the author of his own fate. You don't harass the boss who writes the checks just because you feel slighted. It's a damn shame. And it hurt the Buffalo Bills. But no one carries more responsibility for that than Richie Incognito himself. We agree then that you need decent NFLers around a QB to help your QB? How you could be okay with Zay Jones as a #1 option in the year of our lord 2018 and in the same breath bemoan the offensive line is beyond me.
  10. KB put up 1000 yards as the #1 WR in Carolina. He was a first round talent at WR. He produces. He's an NFL caliber WR. He's the only one the Bills had. I disagree that he can't significantly help out a QB when he's the only guy worth anything on the group. I'm not advocating for a big contract, especially at this point. I don't think McBeane and co are either, tbh. We traded a 3rd for 2 years of his services, with the possibility he grew up and earned the big deal. He doesn't appear to have done so. Allen + Zay Jones/Robert Foster/Andre Holmes sounds like a great way to destroy a QB. Coverage LB's have their place. They are certainly valuable, but they will never have the value of pass rushers. A pass rusher can affect every throw, potentially. An LB in coverage can only affect throws in his vicinity/the guy he is covering. It's why pass rushers are consistently the highest paid defensive players in the NFL.
  11. The mistake you make is that no one expected Richie to melt down after his paycut.
  12. I understand this. Honestly, I do. But that pick was as much as an investment in the new QB as KB the player. We simply needed to have an NFL caliber WR on this roster if we were going to trot a rookie out there. We wanted that WR to be Zay but he's a bust. At the time of the KB trade, we had no one at WR and no guarantee we would have any under contract in 2018. Now It might not work out either way because KB looks disinterested out there. But if Allen sees significant time this year, I want him to have guys who can make plays. Taking sacks left and right all rookie year because nobody is open time and time again wouldn't be ideal for his development, IMO
  13. This is basically a fact, so then it does make sense. This is exactly right. Luke Kuechly is a great player and every team would love to have him. But every team would rather have a Khalil Mack or Von Miller over Kuechly and it's not even close.
  14. Someone must have told you this is a cool thing to say. I'm here to tell you that person was wrong.
  15. Maybe Marty B sulked with the Raiders, asked to be let go, and then came crawling back? Strange move.
  16. Took the words right out of my mouth. I get it, cops are an easy target to some and so they don't think it's a big deal. Just like different races are an easy target to some. Alpha has more in common with racists than he thinks. Poetic.
  17. I disagree. The ad was certainly political. An apolitical ad wouldn't have the connotation that Kaep's cause is "worth" sacrificing for. If I was running that board room, I would've stayed out of the mud. Just like if I was running the Pats, I wouldn't have benched Malcolm Butler in the Super Bowl. There may be a secret method to the madness but I don't think the juice will be worth the squeeze.
  18. The shorter list would be players I was most impressed by, and that be Marcus Murphy. Everyone else need not apply.
  19. Lends credence to the idea that the ad appeals to their market base, no doubt. But Labor Day weekend is historically a back to school shopping day for much of the country. The long term effects of the ad have yet to be seen. I do enjoy the outing of simple-minded hypocrites on both sides. That makes the ad a win in my book.
  20. It sounds pretty cut and dry to me. Last year, no Kaep ad - 17% increase between these days. This year, Kaep ad - 31% increase between these days. "Nearly double last year's ... increase over the same time period."
  21. From the NBCNews link you provided: "According to data from Edison Trends, online sales of Nike products jumped 31 percent between the Sunday before and the Tuesday after Labor Day, nearly double last year’s 17 percent increase over the same time period." Read past the headlines one time for me bro. He wasn't suing them at the time of trying to purchase the Bills. Think really really hard about this one.
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