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Everything posted by Wsam4031

  1. They were actually trying to trade back into the first for Ford
  2. This guy is an utter tool. Not sure who is worse him or Stephen A Smith
  3. I think Washington with Bryce Love and Arizona with Hakeem Butler. Of course the bills with Oliver too!
  4. We used to tailgate there in the good ol days may have ot go back and try. Sucks to break our tradition. that's what really sucks Maybe i just see it differently because that's where we always park.
  5. ok man obviously not gonna agree on anything 2 different views.
  6. By forcing i mean if i want to go to the game like i have 50 times before on a bus in the lot i now HAVE to spend more money if i want to do it the way we've been doing it for years.
  7. because they are forcing people that take busses and limos to do it
  8. that and a cash grab ok. so i heard it will hold 4000 people is that enough for the entire bus lot?
  9. 100% correct. there are 100 different scenarios we can go through on this it just depends on the situation
  10. they said you can bring your own food but never said you can bring your own drinks did they?
  11. I do agree with you on that point its their property and they can do what they want. 100% agreed on that. It sucks for those of us who take the bus and have a good, responsible time doing so. We've been doing it for years and will not be doing it this year. It sucks because we have a lot of fun doing it
  12. so if i have a sign posted beware of dog and u jump my fence to my backyard and the dog attacks you its my fault because signs don't release liability
  13. I am also in the industry and You are correct but negligence needs to be shown that the Bills did nothing. By having Police patrol the area and having signs on their lot that specifically states " No jumping through tables" they have made an attempt to stop the behavior. I'm not saying that a sign is really something but from a liability issue they can argue we have increased police presence and notified the people in our lots. Remember jumping through a table is not illegal so police cannot arrest based on the sign but they can enforce it if posted
  14. I would be curious to know what NFL fan bases you are talking about. Raider game 2 years ago a guy in san fran gear gets stabbed, Philly has its own jail at the stadium, i cant even get started on NE 3x as many fights and drunk morons as buffalo, Pitt same as NE. The only difference is we had a few people jump through tables.
  15. they cant be held liable unless there is shown negligence on their part. They have signs about jumping through tables they have security. They are hardly negligent on this. I would have to disagree with you and say they have no claim. Doesn't mean they wouldn't be sued, just saying they would never make a dime guess we just got 2 different views on this
  16. Of course they have gone up. Insurance companies will raise rates any chance they get. Doesn't mean they would pay for someone being stupid. I work for one and I'm telling you that would be denied in a second. if you don't like the videos then don't watch em. Nobody forcing you to watch. Personally i think they are funny and love the fact we are recognized nationally for our tailgating. Am I one to pass out drunk at a game and puke, nope. Do i jump through tables, nope. Was i sitting in the end zone 20 some years ago when people were throwing beer bottle and batteries at Bryan Cox when he walked off the field, sure was. Same stuff going on people acting like idiots. The only reason people care more now what happens is its broadcast on everything. So if some 20 year old kid wants to jump through a table while screaming lets go Buffalo am i gonna judge how he is having fun I'm sure not, just gonna sit back and laugh and enjoy tailgating my own way
  17. Hahah yup just said that DWI's will be on the rise Not correct. They are all worried about being sued. They would never pay a dime
  18. And this is my point too. Who cares if people jump through a table. People wanna go and have fun their own way. Its not breaking the law. Not sure when all these people became such prudes. I'm 40 and hardly gonna jump through a table but if the 20 year old next to me wants to who am i to tell him how to have his fun. Its simply amazing to me that people can sit here and object to people having fun. Actually this is not correct. If they don't repave an area of the parking lot and someone trips and breaks a leg they can be held liable. Someone choosing to jump through a table they wouldn't be liable for. No insurance company is going to pay that claim. I work for one i know. We have this saying with all the people who sit around me " we don't pay stupid"
  19. I'm not sure where you were in the glory years but i was there and saw just as many smashed drunk people as i see now. The difference is now its all over social media and such. If you don't want to tailgate and just go to the game that's fine but I'm not buying the whole its so much worse now argument. People are gonna be stupid, and that's fine, I'm sure i was once too. Maybe as we get older we don't have the patience for it now.
  20. Personally i think this is Crap. I am one of those people who do rent party busses with my friends and family and don't jump through tables. I had season tickets from 90-99 and have been a regular at game since. To me the environment hasn't changed that much from when i was a kid. Still fights, still drunk fans puking. So now for us to go get a bus with say 15 people goes from spending$75 on a ticket to the game, $50 on the bus or limo and whatever we get, spend in food and drink to bring with us, $20 for the parking each ($300 for under 20 people) then we get told where to go and spend $20 on a beer and $10 on a hot dog. So this goes from spending $150 on the gameday experience to at least double that. I for one don't care about the drunk idiot fans let people have fun in the way they seem fit. If it doesn't affect me and they aren't breaking the law who cares. If they are breaking the law then let the police do their jobs. My favorite memories from games are from tailgating and the bills seem to be set on ruining that experience. To each their own but the bills have just lost my money
  21. hold tight at 8th this round and get irv smith trade back into the 2nd and get hakeem butler. If Butler is gone take andy Isabella in the 3rd
  22. I completely agree. Would much rather have Aj or hakeem Butler
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