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Everything posted by Wsam4031

  1. I think his overall demeanor after he was taken shows why his teammates didn't like him and his coach wouldn't have drafted him 1.
  2. I wish I could say im surprised by the reaction of this board but I think we all know that no matter who we took half of the ppl would like it and half would hate it. I wanted Rosen but after seeing that interview after Arizona took him I want nothing to do with him and feel we took the right guy. I wasn't an allen guy before the draft but sionce we took him id like to think Beane knows a little more than I do so im on board
  3. My kids were born after emergency surgery on my wife last year. Yea I watched on the phone while she was all drugged up and sleeping in the recovery room.
  4. I don't think ROsen has any more injury concerns than any of the guys coming out. He had 2 concussions last year, I hear ya but Mayfield had 2 concussions in 2 of the final 3 games in 2016 but came back fine the next year. All of these guys have been injured as almost all of nfl players have been too. Its part of the game.
  5. I think the jets identified 3 qbs they would be happy with and went to 3 knowing they would get one of those guys. I don't they jumped the gun I think they were just good with 3 different guys
  6. Because they need to see how the draft starts to fall. If Mayfield goes 1 maybe they wasn't to get to 2 for Darnold but if Darnold goes 1 then maybe they think 2 is too high for Allen when they can get him or rosen maybe at 5 or 6 and give up less. Id bet they just wanna see how things play out. Im sure they have talked to most of the teams in front of them to cover every scenario and have some trades worked out in principle already
  7. ill be attending at the dmv
  8. They Are gonna sign me 2 years 90 mil 6ft 2 250 lb 39 year old to play any position!
  9. id be pretty happy with this except id go with Harrison Phillips with the 2nd pick in the 2nd round. other than that id love it
  10. unfortunately that's a skewed stat because ROsen was always on the move as his line was a turnstile. I do think Mayfield is a lot better on th emove but not that big of a gap under the same circumstances
  11. I think hes a rising star. Mularky really handcuffed him. I think once hes allowed ot pass the ball hes gonna be a real good one. Having Murray and Henry really hurt Mariotas productivity but helped them win games
  12. I honestly don't think this will ever get old!
  13. haha wouldn't that be a typical bills move. I don't think anyone wants to see another CB taken in the first round by the bills
  14. Yea im hooked too I cant believe theyd schedule the draft at the same time as Jersey Shore. Quite the "situation"
  15. At this point everyone of them have a 50 50 shot of being good and failing. Unfortunately nobody knows who is gonna be good and who is gonna suck. Put in the right environment and you can succeed, 6th round with no athletic ability Tom Brady goes on to be the best of all time. Jamarcus Russel, an athletic freak goes 1 to the raiders and falls flat on his face. History shows the higher you pick the better success rate but you can still hit on guys later. Whoever the Bills get personally ill get excited as I have in years before , even for guys that I didn't want the bills to draft, EJ and JP. All we can hope for is whoever we draft gets put into the right situation to succeed. Everyone has there own idea of who the best qb from this draft will be but think of it this way there is good reason all the smart football people are talking about allen in the first round, possibly 1. The guy played against 2nd tier talent in a bad conference but has all the tool to be great, in the right situation. You should get excited about him or anyone else the bills take because you are a fan of this team and as all of us, will get behind our guy because that's what we do as bills fans. If he sucks he sucks but we don't know until he gets to play in the nfl and we see. You should get excited because of the unknown of just maybe hes our Brady or Brees.
  16. Unfortunately next years qb class looks like hot trash and wed be getting an ej manuel because we are forced to pick one
  17. Thank you. U can show any guy is good if you negate this season and that game. Foles got hot last year for the playoffs but has been average at best throughout his career
  18. Cheifs only gave up 1 first. We got this years #1 and switched last years 1's. In hindsight I think we got fleeced on last years trade. This year we probably would've got a lot more
  19. I haven't really watched enough of any of the qbs to be highly in favor of 1 guy. Ive prob watched JAckson the most of any and I think hes ok not great. I want the guy that Bills brass has fallen in love with whoever that is. If we get that guy ill be happy but if I gotta pick id want rosen the most followed by darnold and Mayfield. Any of them 3 and im happy
  20. I think you just look at who busted and where they were and thall say a lot about why they busted. That's not just usc qbs its all early qbs. Like I said im onboard for rosen first but would not be upset with Darnold at all. Im not at all skeptical or worried about him because leinhart and sanchez were bums. FOr every Jim Kelley there is a Ken Dorsey or gino toretta
  21. my point is when you look at the nfl over the past 20 years there is not a school that consistently pops out qbs. To be negative on a guy because of past players from a certain school is just a bad way to look at things. No school is putting out great qbs consistently that's why its such a crap shoot.
  22. Im a big Rosen fan but have been warming up to Darnold. Just curious what schools do reliably produce great nfl qb's? Personally I cant think of any
  23. Just watch hughes this year. With the addition of Star the qb will not be able to step up like they all did last year. Hughes was actually really good at beating his man again last year but compared to other years the QB's had a lot of room to step up and let him just run right by them. I think Hughes will be back around 10- 11 sacks this year just from getting a competent DT to stuff the middle. Shaq will never be more than a 5-7 sack guy and should've never been expected to be coming out of college. He will earn his money in the run game. Wasn't my favorite pick ever but we have him now so use him right
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