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Everything posted by Jay_Fixit

  1. I absolutely do. I actually blew both photos you’re speaking of up and have them hanging in my living room LMOALOOOLOL. In fact, I even photoshopped the one of you (or was it Corey Feldman) in Astoria looking through that little keepsake from Goonies onto one of the canvass’sss. Btw forgot to mention, do you still have that extremely off colored and dirty Marv Levy light switch cover? I’d love to purchase it.
  2. FYI Tight ends can wear numbers in the 40’s. In fact, our very own Jacob Hollister used to wear 48 with Seattle.
  3. Ertz is significantly better than anything the Bills have or have ever had. I have an Ertz ***** if I’m being honest.
  4. I think he’s a human being who likes to live his life.
  5. Or any Patriots QB.
  6. I think Mahomes will be ranked Higher than Josh because the players think he’s a better QB than Josh is.
  7. Probably the 4th ranked QB. I’d say 10-15 range.
  8. Well when there’s a revisit of the 2019 NFL draft, you can post this.
  9. So Allen has magical healing powers to prevent Watkins from being injured every season? Good to know.
  10. I mean, there’s an extra game. So I will actually expect it.
  11. There’s actually quite a bit to debating it. Hence why I asked the question.
  12. I don’t. Singletary was better last year and I think he offers more than Moss.
  13. Marino was better, and I don’t really think it’s close.
  14. Yeah. Singletary did pretty well in what limited opportunity he had. Was the best RB on the roster all year but people always find something to complain about. Just look at this thread.
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