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Everything posted by Jay_Fixit

  1. Maybe "you" can? That's something you should ask the Bills equipment manager about. However as it stands, the NFL will not allow a 2nd helmet.
  2. That's the regular helmet with the decals switched out. IE: One helmet. The Packers have to strip the decals off their yellow helmet when they wear their throwbacks instead of using a separate brown helmet. The Bucs can't wear their throwbacks because they have to use their one helmet and it doesn't match. The Rams use their current helmet and switch the gold ram decals to the yellow ones even though the color is a bit off.
  3. Meh, I always believe you can't consider someone a "bust" when they aren't a 1st round pick. Goodwin is a track star. He's a speed demon in a straight line but he's not a very good football player. He runs average routes, isn't very fluid in his breaks, has average hands etc. He's just a gifted athlete who isn't good at football. No bigs.
  4. We can't really argue with the results. Sure, the defense is the bread winner, but Schwartz works for Marrone and although Marrone makes some boneheaded in game decisions, he's still only a 2nd year coach. He'll get better at those things as he gains experience. The players play hard every game. That's all you can really ask for, That and finding a new OC and QB of course....
  5. I can deal with it for one game per year but if the Bills go to these permanently at home (like their last set, aka, the worst uniforms in the history of sport) then I'll be pretty upset.
  6. Orton is extremely average. He played awful once again yesterday.
  7. Grossness. I was hoping the Bills would never go mono blue. Absolutely hate it.
  8. Any given Sunday. Hopefully the Bills get a little luck though. They're going to need it.
  9. Yes, because he was being facetious. Because people said his college system wouldn't work in the NFL.
  10. Not really true. Mariota is a fantastic passer and the "system" he's in is the exact same system that Chip Kelly has made successful in the NFL. Mariota is going to be a great pro. Outside of his obvious talents, he's extremely studious and a cerebral player. He loves the game and doesn't bring any baggage, emotional or mechanical. I wouldn't say he'll be a better pro than Luck (Luck and Mariota are 2 of the best players I've ever had the pleasure of watching live) but he'll be a successful pro. IMO Mariota will be like Russell Wilson where he'll play mistake free football and be extremely efficient as opposed to someone who throws for 350 yards per game.
  11. NHL has farm teams and different leagues you can "store" players in. The NFL doesn't.
  12. So you're saying the 355 yards he threw for when Denver was playing softer defense because they were up 24-3 going into the 4th last weekend mean nothing?
  13. If Marino/Elway/Montana were able to play quarterback with the rules in place today, with the athletes there are today, I'd take any of them. Rodgers is amazing, he does everything well, but he's also playing in an age where DB's aren't allowed to cover anyone.
  14. Shoulda coulda woulda. If my aunt was a man, she'd be my uncle. What, cliche alert? Yessir. It's part of the group that involves "all of the sudden," "supposably" and "calm and collective."
  15. If Watkins had a good QB throwing to him he'd be a lot more productive than he is right now (and that's darn productive). Sammy has been targeted 110 times and has an embarrassing 58 catches on those targets. 58 receptions is really good for a rookie receiver, but Watkins, based on the amount of targets thrown his way, should have a lot more.
  16. He's a stud. He'll be one of the best receivers in the NFL for years. He's fast, he's strong, he runs great routes, he has great hands, he's great after the catch. I'm ecstatic he's on the Bills. I just wish he had better people throwing to him.
  17. It's quite clear that the quarterbacks on the Bills' roster aren't good enough to get it done. It's a shame, because this current defense is a delight to watch. It's being wasted.
  18. I think it's very likely Bradford hits the market. The Rams seem to be done with him. He'd look good in a Bills uniform. If (big if) he can stay healthy, he can be a good quarterback.
  19. Oh man, Friday, I really wanted an egg salad sandwich and I was just obsessing about it and I was like, 'Man, I'm gonna make one of those.' So Saturday, I went out and got, like, a dozen eggs and then I boiled them all and I just, I spent, I dunno, probably three hours, like three and a half hours making, you know, the mayonnaise, and the onions and paprika and, you know, the necessary accoutrement. And then, by the time I was done, I didn't really feel like like eating it.
  20. Play action shot downfield to Watkins.
  21. Always nervous for primetime games, but this team likes to play on the road this year so I'm a little more calm than usual. That being said: Bills - 62 Dolphins - 5
  22. Throw in bath salts and you have yourself some company.
  23. At home, on my couch, with beer in tow.
  24. T-shirt and maybe some pants.
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