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Everything posted by Jay_Fixit

  1. Read further. Mr Fixit should be the only one writing words. Stop wasting your time wasting my time.
  2. Welcome to earth. Now you’re aware of who I am.
  3. Basic human thinking? And he’s had 4 years of OC experience. Last being 6 years ago. During that time he’s “failed miserably” with the following teams and QB’s... Cleveland - Brady Quinn, Derek Anderson and Jake Delhomme Miami - Matt Moore, Chad Henne, JP Losman KC - Matt Cassel, Brady Quinn again. My point is that you don’t know anything. clear?
  4. For the passes that weren’t at his feet or 2 feet over his head, we should hope so.
  5. I know pretty much everything about football but I don’t know much about Daboll. Those of you saying you hate it? You have no clue what you’re saying. You’re just writing words. (As we’re all Googling his resume).
  6. When he was drafted I was almost as deflated as when they took Manuel. Shaq is whack yo.
  7. I don’t think this post is getting the credit it deserves.
  8. If anyone has ever seen the movie C.H.U.D, you’d know who you want as the OC.
  9. I’m a Bills fan so I dislike every other team. Patriots, Jets And Dolphins are my least liked.
  10. People love to jump on the hype train and get involved with the orgy going on inside.
  11. The only insight I need is the results and my eyes. Stat is useless. The Browns are #1. That’s it.
  12. Sure. Short short short, deep incomplete. Short short short... Doesn’t really say much does it.
  13. 56% as a sophomore. 56.3% as a junior. These are troubling numbers. For or someone who’s expected to be a high pick, you’d think he’d be able to complete more passes. And It has nothing to do with the talent he throws to.
  14. He’s probably closer to the next Nick Foles.
  15. If you didn’t use Dilly Dilly in a post earlier, I’d probably even give you a half grin here.
  16. I think Darnold has the most potential to be a star. I feel he should have waited a year to come out but everything he does in college translates to the NFL. Plus he manipulates the pocket better than any QB coming out all while keeping his eyes downfield. His accuracy is phenomenal. But he does try to force a throw or two each game. Not a huge Rosen fan, but I can see why teams are intrigued by him. I just think for a guy that talented, he should have had a better college career. My 2nd choice is Baker Mayfield. I don’t tag people with “he’s a winner” but this kid obviously has a fire and from just watching the games, you can see how good he is. I always watch the games and draw from that. Measurables etc don’t usually factor in to my thinking. This is why Allen is a no go for me. Guy makes bad decisions and his accuracy is all over the place. 56% last year and 56.2% this year. Completion percentage doesn’t measure accuracy as we know, but it’s a better tell when it’s bad than when it’s good. Especially for a guy deemed as a top prospect. Watch the games. That’s where you’ll see who can play.
  17. Yep. Thurman appreciates that QB Winz is ridiculous. The worst “stat” in sports. Pitcher Winz is next. My friend is a huge Tebow fan (they do exist) and uses “he wins” as his main excuse for him. QB’s do not win/lose games. Teams do.
  18. Don’t take your frustrations from being unoriginal out on me.
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