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Everything posted by Augie

  1. We won a trip to the Bills vs Redskins in Minneapolis. My wife’s friends were in a Zonta Club and had a fundraiser selling raffle tickets. My wife bought some tickets from them, and when they showed up before my Rotary Club meeting to sell tickets I was told “you already have all the tickets you need.” Not an ideal approach to fundraising, but it let me off the hook so I was good with it. So we forget all about this until the phone rings one night. The friends are at a bar where they just had the drawing, drunk as hell and laughing their asses off. I have to believe it was totally rigged. The wife wanted to sell the package (airfare, hotel, game tickets, parties and ground transportation, etc.) to buy a dining room set, but that faded quickly. She knows me. We all know how that ended, but I’m glad I got to do a Super Bowl, even in single digit temps. I checked that off the bucket list and have no burning desire to attend one in person again…..especially somewhere so cold. Minneapolis is a great city with weather that only works for me in the summer. .
  2. I would just stay with the great uniforms we already have. You get no extra points for ugly.
  3. I highly recommend soccer. No matter what other sports you get involved with, better feet will help. There are guys like Patrick Ewing and Hakeem Olajuwon to tell you that. Footwork is critical in most sports.
  4. Come on! You know one of our favorite hobbies is: What If? We are so smart we almost always get it right the second time.
  5. Exactly! We did piano lessons and The Great Violin Nightmare of 6th Grade, the pet therapy dog thing learning to groom, etc. You can’t just sit and play video games. Well rounded kids are the goal. Maybe my favorite story was my son and some of the football team would go and read to elementary kids in lower income areas (arranged, of course). Those are the lessons we wanted them to learn. I didn’t love that school, but I loved that football coach.
  6. There was so much pressure to specialize it was uncomfortable, and irrational. If you don’t play baseball 12 months a year you will fall behind the other kids, they tell you. What a load of BS. The best athletes are the best athletes and they can play basketball, and football, and soccer (which is great for improving your feet for any sport) and then come back around for baseball if they feel like it. They will make room for you if you can help them win. I loved those years and missed them when they were gone, but there was a truck load of crap you had to put up with. Probably the best times were when the kids were all in the hotel pool, we’d order stacks of pizzas and the dads would drink beer and watch sports in the hotel bar. That’s where I saw the Brady Tuck Rule game. I don’t know who won the games that weekend, but that was a good time. Recognize it’s kids playing a game and chill.
  7. I want everyone held accountable for their actions, but it’s hard to achieve that if the criminal is in charge of the investigation. I used to review real estate appraisal work from all over the country, but my main client was In Mississippi and Alabama. Not only do they not have MLS in many areas, but it is (or at least was) a non-disclosure state. There is zero information available in public records regarding when a property sold and for how much. They live in the Dark Ages. Still, there are rules that you must follow in order to have an acceptable report. I was trying to get one guy to fix some things and he sounded like he might break into tears when he said “Come on! I’m in Mississippi for heaven’s sake! Don’t I get a break?” It is indeed a backwards place, and at least some the people there seem to know it. .
  8. What a cesspool. I wish I was more surprised. You can’t be in charge of investigating yourself, but he just may get away with it.
  9. I get that Favre was not being a great guy here, but why are the politicians not in jail? THEY are the one’s in charge of safeguarding the public funds, and they were clearly trying to get away with something. Favre can ask, it’s their job to say no. EVERYBODY stinks in this deal.
  10. This makes me wonder how many frogs and glasses of milk will be sacrificed for this post. Everyone is looking for a good time!
  11. You might want to cut back on your normal gummy or shroom dosage. For better or for worse. You be you. .
  12. THAT is not a culture you want to continue, for sure.
  13. Somewhere today (Cowherd?) I heard Johnson responded or leaked that they seemed like a bunch of basketball people who didn’t know as much about football as they thought they did. 😂
  14. I don’t know, I might pay to see that! 😂
  15. They made a show about the 70’s. I forget what they called it. 😋
  16. The kids learn that behavior when their parents allow or even encourage it. I was coaching my son’s basketball team when he was little. These kids are young, so each period begins by lining up the kids across from each other and make it clear who everybody is supposed to guard. One new kid looks up at me and says “No, I’m not guarding him.” Excuse me? “He’s too big”, he tells me. Well, you’re both the same size. Things are about to start, so I put my much smaller son on the kid, and we began. Unbeknownst to me, the asst coach went and had a talk with his parents after the game and told them what had happened. He mentions this on the way out of the gym and I forget all about it. At the next practice the asst coach hands me a folded up piece of notebook paper. It dawns on me, the parents must have made the kid write an apology. That makes sense. Nope, it was from the parents. Apparently Little Jimmy is used to having the ball in his hands at all times in the YMCA league and he should be the leading scorer. I was just speechless. This kid soon became known around the league as The Little Gunner Boy. His dad coached his team after that first season. The league requires that each kid gets equal playing time so we work out a schedule to be sure it’s fair. The best kids get any leftover minutes. So I’m coaching a close game against Gunner Boys team, and dad doesn’t take his kid out the whole second half. (We still won because my son was the best player in the gym, and Gunner Boy was probably in the 5th percentile for height.) I go up to the dad after the game to make sure he knows the rules, ostensibly, but really to rub his nose in it that everyone knew he was cheating. He pointed to the kids on his team and said “what am I supposed to do?” Well, let’s start by letting all the kids play (that’s why they are here) and do NOT teach them to cheat. I could go on and on, like when my 14 year old sons would ref the little kids games and have to eject 45 year old dads coaching who just can’t hold their %$#@ together. I enjoyed those years, and I miss them in many ways, but you sure do see the ugly side of people.
  17. Urologist? I have a friend who just had a biopsy Friday due to some “issues”. I think he might need this Doc.
  18. I have a nephew who killed someone driving drunk on St Patrick’s Day years ago. Please don’t judge me.
  19. Ahh, a classic! Pulling the old Brock Osweiler Maneuver out of the bag of tricks!
  20. You’re right, that is all tailgate stuff. I hate to mess up the house on game days.
  21. What? You never need a nap? I’m excited to see next year. I enjoyed a TON of Bills football last season. I wish we were still playing, but I still had a good time. I know we have holes to fill, again, but I believe we will be in the hunt again as well. One day…..
  22. It was my fourth time buying tickets to see her, and the third time actually doing it. I got these tix for my wife and myself months in advance, maybe as a Christmas present? The other time my college hoops team made a run and the wife took a friend. I recommend Kathleen Madigan, and her opener tonight was fantastic.
  23. Now I’m just chuckling. Thanks. I’m leaving to see Kathleen Madigan in a few minutes, and you are like a Pre-warm up act. You can tear up ANYONE if you want to point out the players a GM passed over. Montana went in the third round, Brady in the 6th. That is the weakest approach I see on this board. .
  24. The words were he couldn’t evaluate them, I believe. You said Beane couldn’t evaluate WR talent. I and others have pointed out that to date he’s been a later round WR guy. Yes, he had other priorities, but that says nothing about his ability to evaluate. He may have been 100% right on ranking the top WR’s, but we just don’t know since he never swung the bat there. Belichick did swing the bat, and he is a guy I don’t want picking my WR’s. I don’t give a rip about him or his legacy, I’m just pointing out a fact. .
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