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Everything posted by Augie

  1. My sister used to teach in a prison outside of Boston. She was teaching “kids” with high school diplomas how to write their name. She had to change jobs when her “graduates” started coming up to her on the city streets.
  2. I’ll be honest, I haven’t taken my dogs to a dog park in about a decade. I know what playing looks and sounds like, but we had some other experiences that made me very uncomfortable. We take our dogs to our son’s big, fenced backyard to play with his dog and the neighbor dog. That works for us. I don’t trust all the other dogs or owners. I’ve seen trouble breaks out and the aggressive dog’s owner is nowhere in sight. I actually used to be a guy who would pretend I didn’t know my dog at the park. It was Cassie that we got from a backyard breeder. She had…..”quirks”. Among the quirks was a tendency to foam and drool like Niagara Falls when she got excited at the park. The drool would hang down on both sides almost to the ground, then she would run up to a picnic table full of people to say hello and SHAKE! People would scream! “F%^$! Whose dog IS that?” I’d just look around like I had no idea. It’s true, all dogs can be dangerous.
  3. What’s with the low grade on team travel? That should be easy to improve. Did I hear last year they make the young guys share rooms? Do they choose a lower level of accomodations? I can’t say I know what the dissatisfaction is about, but I’d be interested to know more. They have gone all in on facilities, and travel seems so much simpler.
  4. I think it’s fair to want the facts in every situation. That’s not too much to ask. I’m not sticking up for Hill, just trying to be responsible. .
  5. Well, I don’t see The Juice Stand sign coming back.
  6. I just chuckled. I’m sitting here in my recliner watching TV and the two Goldens start getting into it by my side. Some people might have thought it was scary sounding, but they are all noise when they are like that. Without even looking down I just waived my right hand between the their mouths. They both snuck in a lick on my hand and the room went silent. Then I picked up my iPad and saw this.
  7. Since I hate ESPN, I’ll just make mine available a little bit cheaper. Given my outstanding reputation evaluating college talent (my dogs love my ideas), I’m sure that will force ESPN to re-evaluate their pricing structure, causing their margins to get squeezed at least enough to make them let Booger McFarland go. You remember, the moron who swore Cody Ford committed a penalty by blocking a defensive player. The penalty that resulted in one of those lovely “OOPS! Our Bad!” Letters from the league. But hey, I’m not the type to hold a grudge. Usually.
  8. Looking at various player rankings, it feels good to see so many OT’s in the top 50. I’m hoping we have some WR’s fall because teams are beefing up the OLine.
  9. Because there is always somebody here who will complain about anything. Somebody they loved did NOT get picked. We love to play the hindsight game. .
  10. Yet it would be trashed by some here. 🤷‍♂️ .
  11. I don’t love it, but not bringing him in would feel a bit like throwing in the towel on the season after all the injuries last year. Sometimes you do what you have to do.
  12. It’s kind of embarrassing that we didn’t think of that first. Time to sharpen the pitchfork and load up on torch fuel. .
  13. Okay, NOW we are talking cuddly!!! And I’m not usually much of a cat guy.
  14. That is certainly how history will judge it.
  15. There is a reason they have all those rings. OK, multiple reasons, and that’s what you need, everything to line up just right.
  16. I did not know chows had that reputation, but I guess I’m not surprised. ANY big dog can be dangerous to some degree. It brings back a memory. I was at the Salty Dog Cafe on Hilton Head one night (I don’t gamble, but I’d bet you’ve seen one of their T-shirts) when a chow and a big (maybe 90-100lbs) male Golden got into it on the deck between the bar and the marina. It got loud and ugly quickly and people were freaking out. The owners were nowhere in sight at that moment, so I went up behind the Golden, grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and pulled him away. Things immediately de-escalated and it took a few minutes for all the adrenaline, human and canine, to ebb. Long way to get to the moral of the story: I went with the odds. And admittedly what I was familiar with, but I had no fear that the Golden would turn on me. Hell, he might have been thankful. If he DID turn on me, I was young and had no fear of any Golden. They were not bred to be killers. It’s more than the mentality, how lethal is the weapon? .
  17. You get the right cougar, it could be much better than ok. Oh! Did you mean……😱
  18. Yep, he’s not our top priority, but when I watch him he just looks like a football player to me. That may sound stupid, but he feels smart and gritty to me.
  19. Absolutely correct. My 5th Golden was a dumb impulse purchase from a backyard breeder. Selling the litter was one of the last things they did before closing their restaurant and skipping out of town. I don’t think they were evil people, I just think they knew nothing about breeding and saw a way to make some money. Our pup was sweet as could be, but she developed a thyroid problem requiring daily medication. The vet warned us she could become dangerous if her levels got too out of whack. She was also a submissive peeing dog. Sweet, but poorly bred thru no fault of hers. There are good and bad dogs from every breed.
  20. I kind of touched on this earlier, but I have no idea how they can do this in a practical and accurate way. Does every dog get a DNA test? How much is too much? I’m not big on people telling me what I can or can’t do in the first place, but something like this does not seem practically enforceable. What am I missing?
  21. A guy on my college hoops message board is a director at a shelter in his area. He says Pit Bulls account for well over 80% of the population at the shelter. I looked at volunteering at a shelter near us, and that number seemed very conservative. They are irresponsibly bred and that’s not the dog’s fault, but that doesn’t make them safe. Of course the shelters are going to sell you on the virtues of the creatures they can’t get rid of.
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