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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Has there ever been a coach who was not questioned…….about something? It goes with the territory. If it works you’re a hero, if it fails you are an idiot. I stay toward the middle (as I think you know), so nothing is ever too far away from my position forcing me to freak out. I prefer life that way for the most part.
  2. Once again, we don’t have all the information, so I’m not sure what the HC has faith in. I can’t judge the kicker or the HC based upon mere speculation. Was he dinged up? Did he develop the yips? I don’t know what the problem was. I just hope Bass comes back 100% healthy and returns to his old form.
  3. Don’t get TOO excited. Eventually we will know if we did enough to address the WR position, and then we’ll have absolutely nothing to bitc…..talk about. .
  4. It’s crazy how funny life can be. Imagine Travis stays healthy, they finish strong and make the playoffs. Maybe even win a game or two. Coleman might be looked at very differently by the average fan. I don’t think professional scouts would be swayed by that (much), but it’s human nature. I liked when Beane said he was happy about the slow 40 time, because it might help him fall to us. .
  5. Yet mistakes are part of life, and why your malpractice is so outrageous. If Beane misses on a draft pick, nobody generally dies. However, if you are picking a RT for the Dolphins, a miss could be fatal.
  6. Agreed on the bold, until the crusading starts. Sometimes it would be nice if a good point is made, but then you aren’t clubbed over the head with it repeatedly by the same posters in countless redundant threads. But maybe that’s just me. My wife is the brains of the operation, but I’m smart enough to know that.
  7. Agreed. If it’s all about an extra draft pick, the team is locked into the playoff spot and the player isn’t getting abused, sign me up. We’d just have a chat.
  8. I think it depends upon the player, their value to the team and if any financial incentives are affected. I’d feel badly if a guy needed a few more snaps to get a $500k bonus, but I’m just fine if it’s for the sake of the team in the long run. I like draft picks. A lot! That’s how you get the cheap young guys so you can afford to pay what you must for your stars at premium positions and still field a competitive team. Maybe I’m naive, but I think it could be a very real consideration under the right circumstances.
  9. There is a money back guarantee, but it’s limited to what you invested to be here. Don’t get cute, we check receipts. 😋 I’m sure somebody checked with Elam before giving #24 to Bishop, right?
  10. But with that 80” wingspan, he can play like a 6’4” guy. Someone mentioned earlier Dwight Freeney thought it was an advantage not being a taller guy. It seemed to work out for him. Now is the time for me to be optimistic and trust the FO. I know they won’t all pan out, and very few will be superstars, but I liked watching his college film. Time will tell.
  11. The Chiefs already have some guy playing TE, and I hear he’s pretty good. Their “waste of time” is going to the HOF, despite his choice in women. 😋 We had a few decades of mostly future truck drivers and gym teachers at the position. It made sense for us to invest there while the Chiefs were looking at other needs. I like our TE room a lot. One more clear starting quality NFL WR would make me feel MUCH better about our team, but if we have to roll with what we have, I’ll have to live with that. Sorry if I missed something coming in late or took something out of context.
  12. We went to a cooking class at a Viking store years ago. The leader used to work at Ruth’s Chris, and we seared the heck out of it then put it in around 500 I think. That is how I would do it without sous vide.
  13. Without knowing the thickness, that could get you all kinds of results.
  14. Technically you win because boiling it does not require a grill. 😂 I’m a sous vide guy, but you need the equipment. Regardless, just looking at that sauce recipe made me hungry. I remember the first time I had something like that was in Acapulco after 8th grade. That was a while ago, and I still remember it. I’ll still bite if it’s on a menu and I’m going steak, but I’ve never bothered to make it. Maybe that will change. EDIT: My cook temp is 134.5 for some reason. I just settled on that. If I’m doing a full tenderloin or something, you can always throw it back on to sear a little more for people whose eyes scream MOO! You can’t “uncook it”. .
  15. Yeah, you laugh……… but when 2038 comes around this will be like finding a $20 bill in your pocket! 😋 OUCH! Yep, still hurts.
  16. *as far as we know. 😋 I don’t hate the guy on a personal level. His football days are over (it seems) and he’s just a guy. A round of golf and/or a few drinks and I’m sure it would be entertaining.
  17. He might be worthy of the promotion. Clever people find ways to get other people to do the work and keep things rolling. That sounds like boss material, right? 😋
  18. ….and they will often outgrow them before the next cold season, so I guess you hope you can hand them down. . Regarding the weather, my least favorite is damp and windy around 40 degrees. That’s nasty! I’d rather have 10 degrees and snow……as long as a I have a good puffer coat!
  19. I used to LOVE the Sabres, but I left WNY in 1977 and it was hard to keep up back then. It wasn’t like today when you can follow anything from anywhere. Heck, I’d go to Chili’s for lunch once a week (Tuesday or Thursday?) for Bills news when they had a USA Today on the counter and there would be like two sentences about every team. Amazing how far things have come.
  20. BUT, they are people who know how to write their name. Doesn’t that count a little extra? OK, I guess not for me.
  21. I stopped paying attention to hockey when I left WNY. I’ll take your word for it. I was just going by the title, because I try to follow some rules.
  22. I know some people are into autographs, but I just don’t get the appeal. What are you going to do with it? Stick it in a drawer somewhere? I won a signed Bryan Brothers racquet that one of them used at Wimbledon. I wanted to hit with it (heavy as all hell, btw), but the autographs were on the grip and my friends were yelling at me for ruining the autographs. I figured what the hell, and hit for a while anyway smudging things a bit. One day I had an electrical problem at the house and one of my tennis buddies is an electrician. He came over and spent half of a day getting me fixed, but wouldn’t let me pay him. He was enamored with the racquet, so the next day I took it to him as a thank you. You’d have thought I gave him a million dollars. Now it’s taking up space in one of his closets instead of mine. To each their own. .
  23. So far, eight of you have proven yourselves to be unable to follow instructions. Can we vote soon?
  24. The Ravens might get their feelings hurt. You may be facing a fine.
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