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Everything posted by Augie

  1. …and THIS is where we are about to go from a roster with nice depth to an even more top heavy roster. It is inevitable, but I like our future.
  2. I’m not a cat person (dog guy here), but I can respect all of that. Good for you. Where did you get that robe? It looks familiar.
  3. Regardless of fact or intent, this is a play we will remember for a long, long time. The Chiefs, at home on a National stage on 4th and 2 late in the 4th quarter, and then THAT happened! I’m with Josh, it’s one game and things get real in the playoffs, but that was one to remember! For some of you who might remember, it’s a little like Ahmad Rashad getting the TD to beat the Raiders late on Monday Night Football. “WAIT! Did that REALLY just happen???”
  4. We are trying to kiss and make up, OK?
  5. What this screams to me is that the Dallas offense sucks.
  6. I think you are being kind.
  7. It’s still not a great angle, but it comes from the other side and it looks like a punch at/under the facemask. If it were more clear I’d consider looking for it, but it’s still iffy. It’s wasn’t three straight punches at the helmet clear as day (like last time).
  8. There is a little better angle of that somewhere. It is being discussed somewhere. We should be talking about the amount of the fine, but I’ve heard nothing about that yet. When are they announced? Maybe they still get it right, albeit after the fact? 🤷‍♂️
  9. They all have big legs. It’s what’s between their ears that decides their success, and that can be fragile, just like golfers.
  10. You can sense the emotion there. That’s not usually a good thing. I prefer rational and sensible over angry and whining.
  11. Yeah, you beat me to it. That one aged quite poorly.
  12. I always look for a fun road game, but this year it looks like that will just be Atlanta, where I live. I don’t see anything else that draws me. While I enjoyed the London trip, I don’t like messing with the integrity of the game. Goodell apparently doesn’t care quite as much, imo. “Experiment” my ass. .
  13. It’s another form of liquidity, like Josh’s contract. I have no problem with it.
  14. Happy belated BDay! Nice present for you, Josh!
  15. I think our guys might be getting better at what they do. That’s what you want. FYI. 😂 .
  16. Never get too high, or too low. I want the LAST laugh this year.
  17. I think we are benefitted by having mostly a zone scheme. Those CB’s don’t get the top dollars like the lockdown guys, but oh what I could do with what a “semi-elite” CB makes in one year. Hell, who am I kidding……one game! 😂 EDIT: I could probably retire at halftime! .
  18. Oh boy, here we go……
  19. He’s the guy creating all this cap hell! Why haven’t we fired him yet???
  20. The human body was not meant to play football. I read that somewhere……
  21. It’s OK, we got Coleman (and Cooper) to beat them in the playoffs when the refs allow their DB’s to get grabby. It’s all about the playoffs. I like the direction we have gone with bigger WRs. We will add the deep speed guy this offseason.
  22. I never had any ill will toward Andy Reid…….until yesterday. He was clearly trying to rub Worthy in our face. Repeatedly. I don’t think that was pure football strategy, that was being a %$#*. It would not have upset me to see somebody break that twig.
  23. Augie

    2025 Concerts

    A friend went to the Sphere for a show and sent me some video that I showed the wife. She mentioned it to her friend who said she’d rather go to Red Rocks Amphitheater so it looks like we’re going to Colorado to see Teddy Swims in August. He’s new to me, but I like what I’ve heard. Regardless, I know people who have gone to Red Rocks for things they had zero interest in, just to see Red Rocks. It does look pretty cool! Maybe. Life has a knack for getting in the way. EDIT: Life already happened when we learned he will also playing at Chastain Park Amphitheater by our house. My wife has Red Rocks on her bucket list, but the other couple prefers saving the $$$ on this one. . .
  24. Don’t ask her unless you have a lot of time on your hands! 😂
  25. It wouldn’t be the first time I was the last to know……🤷‍♂️
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