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Everything posted by Augie

  1. I posted above before I read this! You are 100% correct about fearing an Achilles injury! During nice weather I go to a park and mostly walk a trail and throw in a bit of jogging to get my heart rate up and break a sweat. I do it for an hour while listening to sports radio. I absolutely LOVE a good sweat! Flush the toxins out of the body. EDIT: Just looked it up and a 5k is only 3.1 miles +/-. I thought it was more like 3.7 miles in my mind. My routes were 2.5-3 miles in a couple different neighborhoods, so almost a 5k most days of the week. Oh, to be young again. More than a decade ago, but it seems like yesterday! . .
  2. I too have run for 5 min 11 sec, but I didn’t go nearly a mile. I used to have a little 3 mile routine I’d do around the neighborhood before work. On days when I couldn’t get the run in I’d really miss it. On two different occasions I’d do it for almost a year before my left Achilles started hurting. Tennis was my real thing and it can be hard on the Achilles so I gave it up my running. My son and DIL recently decided to run a half marathon (13.1 miles). He’s more of a gym rat than distance runner. Both very fit in their late 20’s. She trained for it, he did not. About half way thru he started having a problem with one foot but he toughed it out. A half marathon out of the blue with zero prep is probably a bad idea at any age. He walked funny for a while! Gave him my wife’s foot massager. I think he considers that box checked.
  3. Twelve hours without a single response. Is that a record? I can think of several reasons.
  4. St Bonaventure ranked #16. Well done!!! https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/rankings Xavier sneaks in at #25 in one poll.
  5. He gets a lot more right than wrong. I find it tiresome and lazy to cherry pick like that. You have to win on draft picks more often than the other 31 teams. Yes, we have some weak spots. What team can you NOT say that about. It’s a work in progress. Always.
  6. Whoever comes closest to this actual score is not my friend. I’m sorry, I have standards. They are pretty low, but they are standards.
  7. If THAT is roughing the passer, I’m losing my interest in this league. Seriously. .
  8. ….AND good lines. The RB matters, but he plays behind a strong line, which I hope we will have next year.
  9. The good news is……it’s been quite a while since we heard form the people complaining about blowout losses! I’m a glass half full guy, and that’s the best I got. 🤷‍♀️
  10. Just checking in. Are we having fun yet? We can still do this! We are killing ourselves on offense and turning the ball over is stupid ways. We can put up point on them in the 2nd half.
  11. Happy Birthday! Hope you wished for a win today before blowing out the candles!
  12. I’d personally like to see the national anthem return, but I can’t see any way that happens without unfortunate repercussions. It’s not worth it to me, let’s stick to pure entertainment without muddying the waters. I’m there for the football, lets not make it into something else.
  13. I’m so glad it worked out, and I can’t say what I would give to take my dad to one more game. The Bills are a bond that has stretched over four generations for us. “Go Bills” were some of the first words my grandson spoke, seriously. My 94 year old mom is still alive, but she always slept thru the games when she was young, so that ain’t gonna happen.
  14. Is my Sunday afternoon going to free up? I have some errands I could run if the game is off. Just sayin’……
  15. I have SO MANY questions! Do you have to wear a life preserver? Is the water cold? Is it deep? I can easily see how this could have some unintended consequences!
  16. Seriously doubt you can get into Hammers Lot. Many spots are already reserved with regulars. The answer to “when” is EARLY! The opener is even earlier. I was there at 7:12am and it took forever just to get into the already half full lot. BUT, you can park wherever and walk there and carry along your beverages. I have used disposable coolers in the past. Pretty much anywhere you end up there will be a party going on, and people are VERY friendly and often quite generous, especially in Hammers lot with tons of food. What to do tonight will depend in large part on where you are staying. I don’t know downtown well enough to be of much help, but there are plenty of great options there. If you happen to be in Williamsville, let me know as I can be of more help there. ENJOY!
  17. He always reminds me of Stephen A. and your typical ESPN “talk” show.
  18. No offense to anyone, but Reggie was better. New rules make it a different game. EDIT to clarify: Bruce wouldn’t hurt you against the run, but his game was more speed and quickness. Reggie was more power, which translated well to the game back then. Bruce would be more valuable in todays game as it’s more pass oriented than even just a few years ago. To say I think Reggie was better in his time is not a shot at Bruce. They are to top two DE’s in the modern game, with different strengths and weaknesses. For what it’s worth, I think Bruce was the best player the Bills have ever had by a good margin.
  19. OK, quoting myself, which is extremely rare. After WAY too many posts here, this one keeps ME laughing at the memory. The trip was well worth it, despite the loss. Some people might have been angry and combative. I was just having fun and laughing….until Josh slipped at the goal line. Life happens.
  20. What if she was really cute? 🤷‍♀️
  21. He was a nice guy, more drunk than myself. I would HATE myself if I had punched him. We were Bills fans enjoying a game, even with our little foibles. I see that as being petty. Nobody meant anybody any harm. I guess you skip the chronic at Bills games? GO BILLS!
  22. Give it a try, let us know what you think. WAIT! In today’s world I probably have to say I was kidding, and add a smiley face.
  23. Xavier has enrollment of about 6,800. THE OSU (who refuses to play X during regular season unless being forced by the conference, like the Gavitt games) has enrollment of about 66,000. Goliath is wisely afraid of David! Right between the eyes!
  24. What about Brady and the Buc’s? I think he’s a cut or two above a backup. Son will be at that game, while I’m moving that weekend and just hope to have TV hooked up. VERY bad form to ditch the wife while moving to hit a sports bar, but she knew what she was marrying into 37 years ago! EDIT: I’d say the Falcons don’t scare me, but the Jags game reminds me of why I’m afraid EVERY SINGLE GAME! .
  25. At the Nashville game a drunken Bills fan behind me, for some unfathomable reason, started patting me on the head after good plays. He was a “nice drunk guy”, so it was no big deal, sort of a good luck charm. (I wasn’t 100% sober myself.) At one point he said to me “Hey! Your head is wet!” To which I responded “I know, you keep spilling your beer on me!” 😂
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