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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Please, how many straight games has their flat garbage won? Please answer this question this time. You ignored it last time. Answer the question, then explain how you arrived at your opinion. .
  2. We are not a serious threat until we get FAR more physical on both sides of the LOS.
  3. Bad call, IMO. Josh had not stepped OB. If the call is right, the rule is bad.
  4. That is silly. Sorry, I rarely call people out, but the one thing he IS is athletic. He’s good vs the pass, but he lacks the instincts to fill the right gap vs the run. Go Bills!
  5. Was Jesus known for his run defense? I was not aware of this.
  6. We like throwing to the right in this direction. Josh said that. They are sitting on that and we were lucky not to have one of those picked.
  7. Can you refresh us on how many games straight this flat garbage team has won? .
  8. Put EVERYONE in the box, and that can happen.
  9. If the punter can’t track the ball from his hands to his foot, imagine how it’s moving for receivers over 10-15 yards. It’s like Tebow trying to hit the curve, the degree of difficulty goes up exponentially!
  10. I think that would be a bit harsh. I’d like to encourage him to do better. I mean, he has a family who would miss him!
  11. What do Tyler Bass and Dawson Know have in common? I say 88! Knox’s number, and Bass shattering the longest FG record with that wind at his back!
  12. Dugger for Pats* still on Covid list for Pats* (per Schefter just now), so there is that….. Does that help open up Knox, if Josh can get him the ball?
  13. Well, to put a positive spin on it, at least we know who we are going to play each week, and it’s not on a Tuesday! 🤷‍♀️
  14. This game, the Colts and the Titans probably the 3 most important games to have him available. Those other two did not end well, regardless.
  15. I’m on record for being happy as long as the team is still playing home games in WNY. PERIOD. Having said that, there are several reasons I try to get to the opener vs a December game. Weather is pretty high on that list. I’ve done it for decades, and I’m just getting to an age where windy days with temps in the 30’s and sheets of rain does not really sound like fun to me anymore. (I’d prefer 20 and snow.) Call me a wimp, tell me I’m not a true fan, whatever. I just have enough sense to avoid unpleasant experiences. You do you, I’ll do me. I’d like to get back to WNY in the winter, but not if it means sitting outside for hours and hours in miserable conditions. If I lived there, I’d invest in the proper gear for marginal days, and be wary of “worst case” days. It was actually kind of fun and exciting as a kid, but I’m no kid anymore. Not ancient, but old enough to make my own choices on how to best enjoy a game.
  16. Sounds like middle aged wisdom. True older guy wisdom doesn’t take a whiff of wings like that! I’ll never forget going to NYC with the family a couple months after 9/11. The older son (about 11 at the time) had touched a jalapeño at dinner, then later that night rubbed his eye. Oh LORDY! What an night THAT was! The very next night the younger son had a stomach virus so I stayed with him at the hotel where he vomited for hours while the wife took pepper finger boy to see the Rockette’s Holiday show. Ahh, good family times……
  17. We had Indian food for dinner prepared by a British guy while living in Florida. With his funny little accent he advised us to “pop a roll of toilet tissue in the freezer tonight, you’ll want it in the morning!”
  18. I’ve told this here before, but I laughed when I read this, so I’ll repeat it. I was sitting at a pizza joint and a guy walks in and sits down next to me. He ordered a beer and 6 wings, hot, with blue cheese (of course). He’s warned that medium are hot, and hot is REALLY HOT. He says “that’s OK, that’s what beer is for”. When they come out I notice it’s not a sauce, but some kind of a rub. He’s working on his first wing and I ask how they are. “Great!” Before he starts his second wing he says “it builds on you”, then clears his throat. He orders his second beer, then blows his nose. His eyes are watering as he’s finishing his second wing. Another nose blow, on to wing #3 and “another beer please”. 😂 He was too proud to stop, and I think he had four beers to wash down his six wings. I had a hard time not laughing TOO loudly and teasing him, but the guy was hurting and I tried to show some mercy. THIS is the reason I don’t do “I Dare You” food. .
  19. My concern is that arm strength will not be the deciding factor. In that weather running the ball and stopping the run is even more critical. I’m not sure how well we stack up there. This works against us. .
  20. Are they friends, or are they “friends”. Sounds like a good holiday gift for a Patriots* fan.
  21. That actually sounds pretty good. I absolutely LOVE just about anything mango, and a little heat sounds good. I’ll be honest, I’ve never been bold enough to try anything with habernero. You did not change my mind! My colon and I are quite fond of each other. Maybe I start with ONE, and see how that goes……
  22. If you’d be kind enough to share that recipe, I’m sure someone here would try it after that ringing endorsement! I mean, colons are a first world luxury, right? Maybe bring some to a tailgate. Let’s put the porta-potty lines to the test!
  23. No worries! Josh has the arm to cut right thru that! Unfortunately, the WR’s will be blown backwards. BUT, with the wind he can throw the ball to Bar Bill’s in East Aurora. That’s pretty cool!
  24. I had a similar experience for the Colts game, but I was at home, and the rain was tears.
  25. Not nicotine, but my wife would have a Diet Mountain Dew mid-afternoon every day. After a while, she realized she would get a wicked headache if she didn’t get her fix. It was very real, and very serious. She eventually got over it, but she’d call me on some days and report her “relapse”. Caffeine is no joke for some people, and for others it’s no big deal. The important thing, as you say, is just keep at it! You’re worth it!
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