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Everything posted by Augie

  1. We got ourselves a BALL GAME!
  2. I’ll vote FOR the train horn if we can get a pick 6 here. My little deal with the devil.
  3. Singletary on the long run….SHOCKED them! We might run?
  4. No defense is good enough without ANY offense to speak of.
  5. It sure would be nice to have Star, or a replacement for Star. We are missing an important component, unfortunately FAR too often.
  6. I don’t see QUIT. I see a terrible OLine. Blow up the OLine (and probably OLine coach) and the team can be right back there as a serious Super Bowl contender.
  7. Three new starters on the OLine, and probably a new OLine coach. You can’t expect to score points given that mess. You can’t run, and you don’t have time to pass.
  8. It is times like this when I discover people who are DCTom material (if you’ve been around, you know what that means), or people who are just desperately in need of attention. Tequila is a third option, but what are the odds of that? I’m going with option 1 or 2.
  9. Can you give me a Cliff Notes style summary? I’m not sure what the point is, but I am watching college hoops and will only try so hard.
  10. Did you ever see Brewster’s Millions? Collectibles can be a great investment. If you buy investment quality stamps, however, and lick them and put them on your Christmas cards, you have ruined your investment. There is a difference between a wise investment and being an idiot. Having said that, if it’s for personal enjoyment that is a different story. I once went to appraise a nice looking house on the water in Florida. The Realtor met me at the door and stuck her head thru the crack in the door saying “now, don’t be alarmed”. HUH? The lady was a hoarder, BIG TIME! The house was filled floor to ceiling with only narrow passageways you could barely pass thru. I’ll give her credit, she was VERY organized! Books in one area, Christmas broken up into rooms with ornaments vs rooms with Santas, etc. Word was she had a disorder (duh!) and didn’t want her kids to inherit anything so she tried to spend it all online. I have never seen anything quite like THAT!
  11. We also knew we had to get younger and cheaper on the DL, which we did with the first two picks. We got Spencer Brown in the 3rd. You just can’t do it all at once. Nobody has infinite resources.
  12. The WR’s are absolutely fine for this year, but will need to be addressed going forward. Improve the OL (and possibly their coaching) and we win 4 of our 5 games we lost. It can and will be addressed.
  13. I voted as to the big picture, not as in tomorrow. Being inherently challenged makes the play calling more difficult and critical, but there needs to be some amount of balance. We know what we need to fix for next year, but right now we just need to find a way.
  14. I don’t think the problem is bickering, but I also don’t think the problem is apathy. What is that based upon? Them’s fightin’ words! I wouldn’t dare ask them in person if the problem was apathy. Poyer and Hyde also don’t like to be asked if they were embarrassed. THAT didn’t go well. They care, I’m as sure as I can be from where I sit. The problem is mostly, IMO, lack of talent and execution on the OLine. Better execution there and we are comfortably ahead in four of our five losses and don’t run the risk of losing the close games. It can be corrected in time, but requires adjustments to the personnel and likely the coaching.
  15. I think you may be doing this wrong. I think we are supposed to make a list of every thing that has ever gone wrong. You know, because every other team hits on 100% of their moves. Isn’t that how these threads work? Look, I know they have made some mistakes, and even some blunders, but we are getting pretty creative in finding ways to be critical. And I am NOT against being critical when it is due, but my goodness! Go to 7-5 with 4 losses that could have gone either way, turning on a single play here or there is NOT the end of the world. I hope they can manage the situation they have and patch up the Oline, develop a run game, protect Josh, stop the run, etc. But I’m not going to dwell on who they should have taken in the 3rd round in 2018 because I knew he’d be a stud or any other such hindsight. Learn from the past, but focus on the future. Maybe that’s just me.
  16. It hurt at first, and it left a mark! I think I deserve something for my trouble. How do I collect? I don’t trust this crowd. Some of you make me skeptical! My wife’s cousin came to visit us in Hilton Head for the Heritage tournament one year decades ago. This guy got hit TWICE in the same day! Once on a slice to the right hit him of the fly. That really hurt! Later another ball took a one hop off a cart path and hit him again. It’s like Powerball in reverse!
  17. I would think the Mighty Taco would sound more like a whoopee cushion? A big, long, loud…..I think it would have to be distracting at least the first time!
  18. He’s had a “Real Chance” to make some serious coin! I can’t feel TOO bad for him having collected north of $60 mil! https://overthecap.com/player/tyrod-taylor/1407/
  19. I’ve mentioned before I met his uncle on the flight to the opener and he said it would be his last season as a Bill. I said I thought he had another year on his contract and he just shrugged and said “you know…..” For what that’s worth. I don’t feel bad repeating it if he’s telling strangers in an airport. Maybe it’s the concussion stuff and he’s made enough $$$ to be comfortable. He has a wife and kids and maybe he just wants to take care of himself. Regardless, wish him good health. .
  20. Sure, let’s start over with the coaching roulette. Who EXACTLY are you going to get who will be the guaranteed difference maker? How will they change the scheme? How many players do we have to ditch to accommodate the new scheme? How many draft picks will that consume? How will it affect the cap? Let’s start from scratch and roll the dice. What a plan! OR, how about we address the OLine and a few other positions, while keeping the HC who keeps taking us to the playoffs and had us in the AFCCG just last season. GEEZ, talk about some whining and overreaction! .
  21. When your “bandwagon” is a little red wagon, there are limitations. 🤷‍♀️
  22. Politely meant, you’re a newcomer in terms of Bills history. If they drafted the next Bruce Smith, would you still be a holdout? Allen looks to be our LONG term QB, but he won’t be here forever. Kelly had a great run, but you have to move on. It’s the team that I’m a fan of, not just a player. It’s a game, and I love our team. As long as our TEAM is in WNY and I’m on this planet….. I’m all in. EDIT: If and when they suck, I just focus more on college hoops or find other alternatives, but I never leave my Bills. . .
  23. Bills were 2-14 the first two years of my marriage. My wife asked “why do you do this to yourself?” That was tough to answer, but she gets it now. It’s our son we worry about these days as I’ve become more tame. Genetics. I’m sticking with that. My dad passed it on, not my fault!
  24. You’re talking about the guy who broke the drought and took us the the AFC Championship Game last year, right? That guy? Yeah, let’s get out the pitch forks! We are about 4 plays away from 11-1 this year. Nope, we did NOT make those plays, but we were right there. Sure, let’s start over. Hahaha I don’t find HIM to be funny. Please forgive me if I’m ambivalent about future responses. .
  25. Ha! Thanks! I needed a good laugh after last night. Life and the season go on. Of our 5 losses, 4 could have been wins if a single play had gone differently. Last year, we got the bounces and ended up 13-3. This year, not so much. BUT, we just need to peak at the right time to have a nice run. McD is going nowhere. .
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