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Everything posted by Augie

  1. In TV terms, it kinda felt like a cross between The Three Stooges and I Love Lucy. Wait! You did WHAT???
  2. I was spoiled by 30 years in Hilton Head, SC and Sarasota, FL. Living in Atlanta we have better winters than WNY, but it’s a lot of gray, chilly drizzle. YUCK! More than I like for sure. Having said that, GA and SC have a lot of great options. I want nothing that resembles winter unless I have a plane ticket home. MY BIL lives in Greenville, SC and it’s a very lovely town. It’s a city I could enjoy, but I still want better winters. I hate the gray here! My mom is 94, my son is 29 and starting to think about having kids. They both live in Atlanta. I’m here for now, but trying to think about the ultimate scenario. I keep coming back to having a “home”, and a small place to get away from hot summers or cold winters. Good luck with the kids and getting thru the college years. It’s crazy how much they dictate what we do in life! But that’s what we do.
  3. I think physicality is the thing we need most, other than, ya know……competence! We MUST be able to run the ball effectively. There are guys who like pass protection and are more finesse guys (cough…cough…Morse), and guys who want to beat the crap out of you and run the ball down your throat. You need the right blend, and that will be the goal for this offseason. People scoffed at taking Nelson so high in the draft, but I’m all over that if you can make your OLine solid. Win in the trenches and all of a sudden our RB’s and LB’s are All Pro. I love physical/nasty, but I’m not a fan of crazy.
  4. Disagree. I was a work in progress at 22. There is not a clear line you step over on your 21st birthday. I was pretty responsible, but I made mistakes I would not make today. Life is a process, for everybody. Heck, these guys learn over the course of a season. You’ve probably heard phrases like “by week 16 you’re not a rookie anymore”. Year two is a huge jump from year one, because you have some idea of what to expect. For that matter, it’s true physically as well as mentally and emotionally. Kids just out of college learn what it’s like to play against grown men with wifes and kids and mortgages who have been in NFL weight and conditioning programs for years. .
  5. It was unfair to put him in that position, but it was the best option we had. He had an absolutely miserable day out there, but I still love the guy, his attitude and his ceiling. YES, he has a long way to go, but I am fully behind the young man. As for the sideline “chat”, destroying the guy in that moment would have been the least productive move possible. Teach, don’t crush. Replace “nasty” with “physical” and see how it feels/sounds. We need to be more physical, and attitude is a big part of that. I have no problem with the term nasty. You can be capable of being physical, but if you’re not naturally inclined to dominate, it’s not worth much.
  6. I absolutely get that! At the same time, a lot of good still came from it and they thought they were doing a positive thing, which they were. They got taken advantage of which does not make them bad people. Unaware, but they had good intentions. I didn’t care enough to click and read, but I think someone posted that they made a change when they became aware. Live and learn. 🤷‍♂️
  7. Your going to need more digits. Many more digits.
  8. No offense, but the people in Cincinnati (my former home) DID give locally. They just gave to an inefficient organization. If I send $17 (or some other nominal amount) to some foundation I’m not bothering to research to facts. I’m doing it to play along and hope it’s not too much of a mess. Whether it is local or not does not determine whether it’s a sound group to help fund. Others have said they prefer local as well, and I get that to some degree. But I prefer a good cause that is well managed as my top priority. .
  9. It’s crazy how different our record could be with one play a game that went another way (other than the Colts, before someone has to point it out). It went the way it did, and we own those losses, but we were very close against some very good teams. That tells me if we get into the playoffs and peak at the right time, we are more dangerous than our record would indicate.
  10. Funny how that works! My favorite part was they knew we would run on that last drive, and we could still RUN THE BALL! .
  11. Somewhere……..Reuben Brown is chuckling at what a bad day Spencer Brown is having!
  12. Less atrocious than they were earlier inn the game.
  13. Nope, but the OL and OL coach had better be nervous.
  14. Very few good things can be said about 2020. The Bills were on a short list……
  15. Cam? Peter Pan? I call it a toss up…..
  16. Somebody should start a poll. On the poll should be the worst thread ideas. I would vote for speculative trade ideas as #1. Sorry, nothing personal, just my opinion.
  17. First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you find an easy in/easy out option. Paying a little extra for convenience sounds like the way to got for me. I spent most of two years in high school on crutches, and it’s no picnic. I feel for you, hoping for the best!
  18. I had a buddy who was the #2 guy in the District Attorneys office in FL. He was in the gym when one of our boys got HAMMERED going to the rim at an AAU hoops game, with no call. He turned to me and said “I can’t get you a whistle on that, but I might be able to get an assault charge!”
  19. By “run game”, I’d like to specify running by somebody other than our quarterback. I’ve never seen anything quite like that.
  20. I think the one where his jersey got stretched about a foot away from his body was plenty obvious too, but since the refs didn’t have to worry about hearing Tommy whine, they let that go.
  21. Do you know who DC Tom is?
  22. Remember when the Broncos could put in guys you’d never heard of and they would tear it up? The RB needs talent, but they absolutely need some room to run.
  23. Did you have a little thing for Barbie back in the day? Hmmm? Ken always got the girl. I get it. These things are deeply rooted. 😋
  24. No, he’s not wrong. He also didn’t go about conveying that in the best possible way. Social media is not his friend. That’s Baker being Baker. I think Josh would have known better.
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