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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Costco has cheap gas and is very close by, but the lines are ridiculous! They have a ton of pumps, but could apparently could double them and still stay full. I’ve gotten gas there, but only at fluke times where the line is short. My parents used to drive across town to save a few cents on gas at a Costco in Florida. I’m not sure they really saved anything there. I honestly can’t remember the last time I did anything but pay at the pump with a credit card. I’m sure in college I paid in cash, because I didn’t HAVE a credit card. Since I got out of school that’s just what I do. I do see people who come in to pre-pay and tell the cashier “I’ll have $10 on pump five”, and I just assume they only have $10 or they don’t have a credit card. 🤷‍♂️
  2. I remember my older sister got her first car (a yellow Fiat) and took us for a ride. We were going to run out of gas, but found a quarter under the seat which got us a gallon of gas and saved us. . The places that advertise cheap gas prices in BIG numbers, then have small print that says “cash payment” irritate me! I’ll skip the 7 cents off and go somewhere else most of the time.
  3. Sadly, the state of our world has made me almost give up on cooking. A temp of 128.5 would sicken some of my red meat eaters. They needed it back on the grill at 134.5 degrees. They (red meat eaters) are a minority these days. The DIL is a vegetarian. As are her 5 sisters. Her parents will eat chicken and fish, but not red meat. My wife and her tribe won’t do gluten or dairy. Supposedly real reactions for those of middle eastern background. My nieces will do chicken, but not red meat. One will do fish, but the other will not eat anything that “swims in it’s own poop”. A very close friend is allergic to eggs. Another close friend will do shell fish, but not FISH. I loved cooking, but gave up. Let’s go out to eat! Let someone else deal with this $%#^. My parents put food on the table, and you ate it or you went hungry. It was almost always steak and potatoes, both of which I avoid to this day.
  4. I think I was there on a Friday, mid-afternoon and early happy hour. I had my lunch while a bunch of guys were having beers and laughing. All the regulars and staff knew each other well, it was clear. It felt quintessential “Buffalo”. It was awesome!
  5. Serious question: I know my iPhone will cut off if it gets too hot (and I’m told too cold). I wonder if a TV can even work in those temps? The least of my worries (after, ya know, fingers and toes) but your post made me wonder. 🤷‍♂️ Gonna be a shorter than usual pre-game for many, but maybe that’s not ALL bad for a night game. Just arrive safe!
  6. I flew in a few years ago for a Sunday game and made a point of going to Big Tree on Friday or Saturday just because it’s so iconic. I had heard all the old tales, but had never been inside. I’m glad I went, and I’m glad it was NOT on a game day. I can’t imagine a game day, especially on a night with wind chills below zero. Good luck to everyone attending. Proud of our Bills fans and the lengths they will go to to support our team! Prepare, stay safe, make NOISE and help bring home the WIN!
  7. First of all, GOOD FOR YOU getting January on Manasota Key! We lived in nearby Sarasota for 18 years and I did a bit of work on Manasota Key. Not as hyped or expensive as nearby Casey Key, and it seems to have higher elevations (in general) making it a little safer during storm season. The feel of the heat may be related to the humidity, which can be horrific for some people (like my wife), while I happen to LOVE it! (As long as I’m in shorts and a tee shirt, my preferred attire every day of the year!) Florida does everything they can to tax the tourists/part-timers and spare the residents. This means higher taxes on gas, hotel stays, seasonal rental stays, restaurants, park attendance and even some well know speed traps that fund some small towns. One guy got so mad he bought billboards warning people on both side of these towns. I mean, this made 60 Minutes! Hysterical! If you homestead your property your property taxes can only go up like 2-3% a year. You have to be a resident 6 months and a day to homestead, so some snowbirds would give my mother (who managed a resort property) a credit card to buy a tank of gas or something every week and mail the receipts. People can buy from a long term resident who pays maybe $900/year and taxes, but upon purchase it might adjust to $20k/year. I’ve seen that bite some unsuspecting folks on the arse. I left for college when I was 17, so 18 years in Sarasota is the longest I’ve ever lived anywhere. It feels like “home”. My goal is to get back one day, but it’s so CRAZY expensive right now I’m not so sure it will be any time soon. I recently looked at our last two neighborhoods there for listings. Over 1,000 houses, and only one active listing at that time. That is NOT normal or sustainable. A repeat of the 2006 crash may be on it’s way. Google “real estate cycles” and you will probably have 18 years pop up in some results. You can do the math, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all. I plan to be ready!
  8. Sorry, I had to chose between a laugh and a barf, and it wasn’t even close!
  9. Interesting that they show the corn starch slurry there, as they used to have on the website. This thread caused me to check the website and I noticed that they have changed the binder to egg wash. Not sure if that’s because it just sounds easier for people? I will cook beef tenderloin at 134.5 degrees. Odd, I know, but I just got into that habit. Cook it too little and some people will make a face that says they can hear “MOO”. For those people you can always get it more well done on the sear.
  10. Be glad the room is not spinning like a top, and you aren’t desperately searching for the trash can you can’t empty fast enough! Be at peace, all is well for you and yours. This should be a time for thanks, for all of us.
  11. A “friend” named Joe tried to buy me 19 shots of Wild Turkey on my 19th birthday. It did NOT end well. I barely remember being 20. On a side note, I have not had any “brown liquor“ in MANY decades. I may be an idiot, but I AM capable of learning a lesson.
  12. What temp do you do it sous vide? Have to be careful to keep it from cooking too much, especially when you warm it in the jus. I’ve been pretty pleased with a very thin cut Boars Head roast beef from the deli. I think getting the roll right makes all the difference in the world. Use the packets for au jus rather than a can and some good horseradish…and you have a mighty fine meal. Chips and a pickle to finish it off, oh MY! Add my mom’s German potato salad? A little taste of home. You can get decent wings most places, but I’ve never had great beef on weck outside of WNY. I’m sure it can be found, but the Duff’s location 45 miles from me in Newnan, GA went out of business early in Covid. Anywhere I’ve ever lived, my priority when I go back is getting all my favorite foods and hitting my go-to places. I think most people are like that. The food means “home”.
  13. “Fair weather fans” refers to more than the weather! Or ticket prices. Let’s see how their front running fan base jumps off the bandwagon when they miss the playoffs for a decade or two. Who are the REAL fair weather fans? How do THEY fill the stadium for night games with wind chills well below zero? In their enormous (compared to Buffalo) market in NEW ENGLAND? They can eat dirt, and everybody knows it.
  14. Care for some Cliff Notes? I refuse to click.
  15. What a crappy, inflammatory, misleading and biased tweet from “Boston Connor”. Let’s hear the exact words in the question, and the exact answer. Some precise context would be nice. “Head hunting” is meant to incite people, and I SERIOUSLY doubt that was the intended meaning. .
  16. Hopefully…..whatever it takes to trigger his bonus goes the right way! The man deserves it! Recognition is great…..cash is BETTER! .
  17. I just hope he and his agent knew the kind of situation they were going into and were $mart enough to have a contract that takes $ome of the $ting out of it. If WE are not surprised, HE shouldn’t have been. So…..there’s that…. 🤷‍♂️ Still sucks.
  18. In that weather you may be OK, you know…….with shrinkage.
  19. ….and a half mile back. ……every time. But you’ll get your steps in! I think we should blame battery chucking Raiders fans for this. It always seems to help if you have somebody to blame.
  20. THIS is almost impossible to argue against. Does it pay for a dome? Probably not, but I know I’ll only schedule early season games. I’m old enough to not be thrilled by the idea of freezing rain or sub-zero windchills. I’ve paid my dues since the Rock Pile. It was fun when I was young, I would prefer my couch and my big screen now. I’ve been a fan since the mid 60’s, and I don’t feel like any less of a fan for saying this. I like her already, and I hope she feels that way Sunday! I’ve been to some seriously NASTY games, and it was kind of fun. Odd, I know. I think I’m past that now. I just hope for the team to do what they can do and bring home the win.
  21. The “hole” is irrelevant when the extra 70 degrees may mean EVERYTHING, if even just for brief periods. It’s like a porta-potty, any port in a storm! Ya gotta go? Ya gotta go!
  22. I respectfully disagree. It was done for the short term goal of getting the highest ratings and making the most money. That never changes. Certainly not more noble, but less vindictive, IMO. I FULLY agree the more responsible plan was to make us the early game.
  23. Probably related to his spleen. I mean, what else could it be?
  24. Well……..I guess it couldn’t come SOONER than one post in!
  25. “Too much hassle”? How would YOU react if offered, say, a $3 million a year raise? I could handle that “hassle” for a while. And most guys like the idea of calling their own shots. I don’t know him, so no telling how he feels about the opportunity. He’ll be 63 in a couple months, so if he is EVER going to do it, now would be the time. IMO, the Dolphins should have stuck with the guy with the hot hand. I think Ross will go for a bigger, younger name, if only for the splash.
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