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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Giving in to pickleball?
  2. I loved this pick once I looked him up to see who the hell he was and asked all of my UGA following friends what they thought. I’m once again strangely optimistic. I’m curious to see how this whole draft class works out. .
  3. 1. I seriously doubt Buffalo will ever host a Super Bowl. 2. Hosting a draft would not surprise me at all. 3. Thank you for doing your part to make this board what it is. .
  4. The lack of effort and load management lost me a couple decades ago. I switch stations when they talk anything NBA. My fandom has dwindled since the Braves left. We are down to zero.
  5. I stayed at my sister’s in Appleton when the Bills played in Green Bay. We were at the hotel bar when the Bills vans pulled up. It was kinda cool to go outside and see them all file in, the police setup, etc. Appleton is about 35 minutes from GB and I think they get a lot of overflow. EDIT: a quick search has the Appleton population at 74k, and GB at 106k. I know, it depends on where you draw the lines, but fairly comparable. .
  6. Yeah, I wasn’t really thinking throw it to the ceiling stuff, but I just naturally always thought worked by hand. That seemed “normal” to me, so the thin rolling pin surprised me.
  7. Okay, you guys know your pizza…..and I have a question. I always thought of a “hand tossed” pizza as normal. We did a cooking class in Rome once and the chef said they toss pies down in Naples and elsewhere, but we rolled our dough. Does rolling happen often? I just always had visions of dough twirling in the air. BTW - Best pizza of my life! EDIT: We used an immersion blender making the sauce and my wife had one waiting for us when we got home. It’s been a year, and it’s still in the box. We have such good intentions, but…….🤷‍♂️ .
  8. Yeah, if Green Bay can handle it, Buffalo certainly can. I think they will rely on a lot of hotel rooms in Appleton. That’s where the Bill stay when they travel there.
  9. So…….Buffalo does not have great hotel options because they don’t draw big events, and we can’t have big events because we don’t have the hotel options. It feels like a chicken or the egg scenario. I’d love to see how they would pull off an NFL draft. Where would they hold it, and what would it look like? .
  10. While others are playing Doctor on the internet, I feel like this is truly your field of expertise.
  11. I’ve heard that, but it just doesn’t sound right. Gronk too. I guess you never know……
  12. I would not have known that, if you had not told me. If you know what I mean. Sometimes you just keep scrolling down.
  13. I agree it sounds wise, but my wife got a new car and the safety features drive me crazy! The damn thing beeps, flashes or vibrates for all kinds of crazy reasons! My wife, in her wisdom, clearly admits “I need those features.” Go over the speed limit, change lanes without signaling, etc and you will be made aware. Her texts all come thru the car by way of her guy with the hot Australian accent. I suspect sometimes she takes the long way home to be with him. I try to pay attention when I drive, and I’m still getting used to all the bells and whistles distracting me in her car.
  14. The Bills seem to prefer certain physical traits, especially early. Coleman has the size and hands they coveted, but I really thought McConkey just looks like a football player. We have a UGA member of the family, so I saw a good bit of him. He looks smart and gritty out there. I’m glad Tom Brady doesn’t get to throw to him against us.
  15. I just know Peter Pan is going to behind one of these clicks…….
  16. I’ve turned down free tickets for early season day games in Tampa and Jax. I’ve done both, and that was enough to learn my lesson. The early weeks can be absolutely brutal, to the point that we were the ONLY people left in our row before finally going inside for some shade and AC so we could all watch on little monitors over the concession stands. The last time I was in South Beach I stopped at several places and had to literally point at the menu because nobody spoke English.
  17. Athletes from all sports are famous for being idiots with money and filing bankruptcy shortly after retirement. It’s not just a CTE thing. https://www.abi.org/feed-item/how-athletes-go-bankrupt-at-an-alarming-rate .
  18. Yeah, he’s got the 2nd most wins in the last 5 years behind only Andy Reid, he’s won the AFCE 4 years in a row and he has the best winning percentage in franchise history. That gets you a smoldering hot seat? I think thought beats emotion in terms of outcomes. My Big Picture with no anger says we are in good hands. The “fire the bum” crowd are delusional about how hard it is to do better. I prefer to let him keep doing a great job, and getting better every year. It took Andy Reid a while too.
  19. The problem is, if you have a great OC he will quickly get poached and become a HC. A great DC is less likely to get poached for HC. I really like McD in general, but a defensive minded HC will lead to a lot of turnover at OC whether you hit or miss.
  20. One of my friends was close with a Santora kid so we spent some time together. I always really liked their pizza, but we might not have been paying for it which always makes it better! I thought this was on Main St in Williamsville, but that was a long time ago.
  21. What is he going to say at a Micah Hyde event?
  22. But 17 is better. Always.
  23. I’d rather have Hyde unpack the RV headed for the Keys than Klein.
  24. I must admit, I didn’t make it to the end.
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